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Mediterranean Sea



Mediterranean Countries 2024

The Mediterranean is a sea located near Europe. There are a grand total of twenty-three countries that make up the region of the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean Sea is actually the dividing factor between the northern border of Africa and the southernmost countries of Europe. To the south of the Mediterranean, there are nine African countries along the coastline of the body of water.

The Mediterranean Sea itself stretches for a total length of approximately 2,500 miles. The region is referred to as the Mediterranean because it is a word that means the sea between the lands, which is exactly what the Mediterranean Sea is, quite literally. The northernmost point of the Mediterranean is the innermost inlet of Croatia, while the southernmost point of the region is the inland region of Libya that just barely touches the coast of the Gulf of Sidra.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina is comprised of two separate areas that are considered to officially make up one country. The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the two entities, as they are called, and the Republic of Srpska is the other one. Called the Heart-Shaped Land, Bosnia and Herzegovina is quite literally shaped like a geometrical heart. The country is full of water sources galore, making the name Bosnia more fitting than you might think at first glance. Bosnia is a rendition of Bosana, which is a European word for water. The more you know!

The country of Bosnia and Herzegovina has a population size of roughly 3,502,174 people. This population size ranks Bosnia and Herzegovina as the 135th largest country around the world. Even though there are more than five million people who reside in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the country's population is still less than 1% of the total number of people on Earth. As a country that makes up 0.05% of the world's population, Bosnia and Herzegovina is made up of 19,691 square miles. For every square mile of land, there are about 178 people.


The Mediterranean country of Gibraltar has a demographic with statistics that will shock you like no other. The country has a population of just under 35,000 people, with the most recent headcount accounting for 34,846 people. Gibraltar has the 217th largest population of all countries in the world.

The country’s total area is a grand sum of four square miles. There are literally only four square miles of room for all 34,846 people, and counting, to share between themselves. Gibraltar definitely has one of the most shocking people-to-land ratios. From there, it’s possible to calculate the population density of Gibraltar. By taking the population and dividing it by the total area, the population density of Gibraltar amounts to approximately 9,034 people per square mile of land.


In Lebanon, the architecture scene is worth experiencing in person at least once in your life. From mosques and synagogues, to churches and prayer centers, the religious diversity of the country heavily influences the buildings scattered throughout the country. The government of Lebanon is a parliamentary power. The capital city of Lebanon is a place called Beirut, which is one of the biggest hot spots for tourism across the board.

With a population of just about 6,072,071 people, Lebanon is the 112th largest country, looking solely at population size across the board. Taking the country's total area into the equation, Lebanon has over six million people living within the boundaries of 3,950 square miles, meaning that the ratio of people to square mileage is 1,536 to one


The population of Montenegro registers as being people as of 2019. With a total area of 629,324 5,193 square miles, Montenegro is a country with only 0.01% of the global population within its physical boundaries.

By taking Montenegro's population and dividing it by the total area of the country, we find that Montenegro has a population density of 121 people. This means that for every square mile of area in the country, there is a ratio of 121 people per square mile. The country is ranked as number 168 on a list of countries around the world in descending order of population size.


The country of Tunisia is an African country that is situated between Algeria and Libya. Across from Tunisia on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea lies the European country of Italy. Malta, an island country, is near Tunisia as well. The religious population of Tunisia is comprised of primarily Jews, Muslims, and Christians. The overall level of diversity in Tunisia is rather high as a result of the country's historical experiences.

There's an abundance of different cultures that call Tunisia their home, which is excellent because it means you get to see an array of cultures, foods, and ways of living, if you ever visit Tunisia. The African country of Tunisia has a population of roughly 11,754,806 people, and the country is made up of 59,985 square miles of land for its residents to share. With these two values in mind, the population density of Tunisia comes out to about 196 people per square mile of land.

  • The Mediterranean Basin in a biogeographical region that includes not only countries located along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, but also additional countries that share the Mediterranean climate and flora over at least a portion of their land area.
  • Perhaps confusingly, the Mediterranean Basin does not include every country in the Mediterranean drainage basin (countries whose waterways ultimately drain into the Mediterranean Sea), which includes many additional countries thanks to the length of rivers such as the Nile and the Rhône.

How many countries are in the Mediterranean?

The Mediterranean is made up of 23 countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea, which is located between the countries south of Europe and the northern part of Africa.

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