Where is Maryland located?

Located in the Atlantic Region of the United States, Maryland is situated between four states along with the District of Columbia. Maryland is south of Pennsylvania. To the east of Maryland lies Delaware. In the southeast, Maryland shares borders with Virginia and West Virginia.

Elevation of Maryland

The average elevation level of Maryland is 350 feet above sea level. At its lowest point, Maryland rests at 0 feet above sea level, given its border along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The highest point of elevation is at the very top of Hoye-Crest, a summit that is part of Backbone Mountain, with an elevation of 3,360 feet above sea level.

Geographic Center and GPS Coordinates

The GPS coordinates of Maryland are 39.0458° N and 76.6413° W. With a latitude of 39.0458° N and a longitude of 76.6413° W, Maryland is located in the near the East Coast. The coordinates of Maryland’s geographic center are 39° 29.5' N and 77° 22.3' W. This location is northwest of Davidsonville by a few miles, in Prince Georges County.

Most Extreme Points of Maryland

To the north, Maryland’s most extreme point is located at a latitude of 39.7230° N and a longitude of 78.7258° W. The easternmost point is at the state line between Delaware and Maryland. In the west, the Maryland Panhandle, a corner in the southwest part of the state, is the most extreme point. The southernmost point of Maryland is Watkins Point, a historical site in Somerset County. The GPS coordinates of Watkins Point is 37.9121° N and 75.8837° W.

Total Area and Population Density

The total surface area of Maryland is approximately 12,407 square miles, making Maryland the forty-second largest state in the U.S. The reason for Maryland being such a populous state is due to its proximity to D.C. Many people work in D.C. but opt to live in Maryland. It is close enough to commute to in a timely manner. However, when everyone moves to the same outskirts, the attempts at residing somewhere less bustling are failed.

The population of Maryland is an estimated 6,079,02 people, as of the most recent census conducted in 2018. As the ninth smallest state, Maryland manages to have one of the highest population densities of all fifty states. There is a booming population density of 594 people per square mile of land in Maryland.

State Name
32,131 km2
Area Ranking
Statehood Year
Postal Abbreviation

Maryland Belongs to the South U.S. Census Region