Bucharest Flag



Bucharest's 2025 population is now estimated at 1,758,700In 1950, the population of Bucharest was 651,661Bucharest experienced a decrease of -8,820 residents over the past year, marking an annual decline of -0.5%.These population estimates and projections come from the latest revision of the UN World Urbanization Prospects. These estimates represent the Urban agglomeration of Bucharest, which typically includes Bucharest's population in addition to adjacent suburban areas.

Total Population
-8.8K -0.5%
Capital of Romania?

Bucharest Population

Bucharest Overview

The city of Bucharest has a very long history. It was first noted in written documents dating back to 1459 but did not become the center of Romania until 1862. When the world wars were being fought, and during the time of peace between them, Bucharest made a significant change in their overall architecture. The difference was so drastic and beautiful that the city of Bucharest was called, “Little Paris.” The city is still known for being a leader in architecture and remains a tourist attraction for those looking for unique structures.

City Area Size and Population Density

The 2016 population estimate has calculated a total of 2,106,144. With an area of 228 square kilometers in the city proper and 285 square kilometers in the urbanized area, the population density comes to approximately 9,200 people living per square kilometer.

Like most cities throughout the world, Bucharest performs a census on its citizens every ten years. The last poll was in 2011 and showed that the overall population within Bucharest was 1,883,400 people. The current population reflects 9.365% of the total population of Romania.


What shapes a country is often the religious aspects of its people. The churches are where the population gathers for worship in their chosen faith, bringing them closer together and strengthening the community. The people of Bucharest are quite devoted to their chosen religion, and that is reflected in the fact that approximately 86.8% of the population is Eastern Orthodox. Other religions in Bucharest are Protestantism, which makes up 7.5% of the total population and Roman Catholicism, which accounts for 4.7% of the population.

Ethnic Backgrounds

The ethnic backgrounds of Bucharest reflect that of the rest of Romania, and 89.9% of the population is considered to be of Romanian descent. The other ethnicities within the city are 2.5% Romans, 6.6% Hungarians, .3% Ukrainians, .2% Russians, .3% Germans, and .2% Turkish. The other .4% of the population is as unclassified.

The official language of Bucharest is Romanian.


Education is a vital component of a city’s ability to be prosperous and, in this regard, the education system in Bucharest does face particular challenges due to the lack of emphasis put on the need for education. The risk of dropout is a staggering 94%, and those that are unable to attend even primary school remains at 71.4%. The standard education system within the city of Bucharest and that of the rest of Romania encourages students to participate in an average of 8.4 years of primary school and nine years of secondary school.

In Bucharest, children are quite fortunate as many organizations have worked to encourage the growth of the economy through helping children with their education. The numbers indicate that before these new programs there only 70% of children in the city could access education. Today that has grown to 86% and is growing further with each passing year. It has had the most effect on pre-school children who previously had little encouragement to attend school. It is hoped that these programs will continue to encourage children to learn and therefore develop the economy of Bucharest.

Other Cities in Romania

2025 Pop.


  1. World Population Prospects (2024 Revision) - United Nations population estimates and projections.