351 cities
Pakistan has 8 cities with more than a million people, 59 cities with between 100,000 and 1 million people, and 284 cities with between 10,000 and 100,000 people. The largest city in Pakistan is Karachi, with a population of 11,624,219 people.
Even though it is just the 36th largest country by area,, Pakistan has the 7th highest population in the world and is on track to surpass the 200 million population milestone. As one of the most populous countries in the world, Pakistan is also home to some of the world’s megacities. Its most populous city, Karachi, is not only the largest in Pakistan but is also the 7th most populous city in the world, boasting a population that exceeds 11 million people. Pakistan’s 2nd most populous city, Lahore, is only about half the size, with just 6.3 million people, but is still the world’s 15th most populous city. Pakistan has six additional cities that have passed the one million population mark. While these cities contribute greatly to the country’s overall population, there are still many large cities that add to these numbers. Fifty-six cities have populations between 100,000 and 1,000,000, while 285 cities have populations of at least 10,000.
The major cities aren’t the only places where Pakistani residents live. According to data from 2015, 61% of the country’s population actually live outside of the urbanized cities in the country’s rural areas. Looking at data from past years and current growth rates, Pakistan is expected to continue a pattern of steady growth, and could possibly even become the fourth most populous country in the world through the next decade. At this rate of growth, it can only be expected that the country’s major cities will continue to top the list of the world’s most populous cities.