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Why No Government?

Financial Crisis

Military Coup

Political deadlock

Political turmoil

Revolution leading to military rule

Transition to Taliban rule

Countries Without Government 2024

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Why No Government?
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AfghanistanTransition to Taliban rule15 August 2021Ongoing
- From 2001 to 2021, Afghanistan experienced periods of governance under various administrations, in...
EgyptRevolution leading to military rule25 January 201130 June 2012
- In 2011, Egypt underwent a revolution that led to the ousting of President Mubarak, beginning on 2...
SpainRevolution leading to military rule17 July 19361 April 1939
- During the revolution against Franco, Spain experienced a period without a stable government. This...
YemenPolitical turmoil2014Ongoing
- Yemen experienced political turmoil after the 2011 Yemeni Revolution, leading to President Saleh's...
SomaliaPolitical turmoil1991Ongoing
- From 1991 to 2006, Somalia experienced a prolonged period of instability and lack of central gover...
South SudanPolitical turmoil2013Ongoing
- After gaining independence from Sudan in 2011, South Sudan was plunged into civil war in 2013 foll...
LibyaPolitical turmoil2011Ongoing
- In 2011, Libya underwent a significant political upheaval following the ousting of Muammar Gaddafi...
GabonPolitical turmoilAugust 2023Ongoing
- Gabon experienced a significant political upheaval in August 2023, marked by a coup that ended the...
IraqPolitical deadlock2010Lasted for 289 days
- In 2010, Iraq experienced a post-election deadlock that lasted for 289 days, during which the coun...
BelgiumPolitical deadlock2011lasted for 589 days
- In 2011, Belgium faced a governmental crisis lasting 589 days, triggered by the inability of the t...
MyanmarMilitary Coup2021Ongoing
- 1962: Military coup led by General Ne Win ousted civilian government; military rule established. L...
SudanMilitary Coup25 October 2021Ongoing
- Sudan has experienced several coup attempts, including those in 1969, 1985, and 2019, leading to p...
NigerMilitary Coup26 July 2023Ongoing
- On July 26, 2023, a coup d'état took place in Niger, leading to the removal and detention of Presi...
MaliMilitary Coup2021Ongoing
- In 2021, Mali faced a period without a government following a military coup that removed President...
Burkina FasoMilitary Coup23–24 January 2022Ongoing
- 2014: President Blaise Compaore was ousted from power on October 31, after ruling for 27 years. Th...
ChadMilitary CoupApril 2021Ongoing
- In May 2013, security forces in Chad foiled a coup against President Idriss Deby that had been in ...
GuineaMilitary Coup2021Ongoing
- Guinea experienced a period without a functioning government in 2021 when the military seized powe...
AlbaniaFinancial Crisis16 January 199711 August 1997
- In 1997, Albania experienced a collapse of its government due to the financial crisis caused by th...
