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List of Countries in the European Union 2024

27 countries

Accession Date
AustriaJanuary 1, 1995
BelgiumMarch 25, 1957
BulgariaJanuary 1, 2007
CroatiaJuly 1, 2013
CyprusMay 1, 2004
Czech RepublicMay 1, 2004
DenmarkJanuary 1, 1973
EstoniaMay 1, 2004
FinlandJanuary 1, 1995
FranceMarch 25, 1957
GermanyMarch 25, 1957
GreeceJanuary 1, 1981
HungaryMay 1, 2004
IrelandJanuary 1, 1973
ItalyMarch 25, 1957
LatviaMay 1, 2004
LithuaniaMay 1, 2004
LuxembourgMarch 25, 1957
MaltaMay 1, 2004
NetherlandsMarch 25, 1957
PolandMay 1, 2004
PortugalJanuary 1, 1986
RomaniaJanuary 1, 2007
SlovakiaMay 1, 2004
SloveniaMay 1, 2004
SpainJanuary 1, 1986
SwedenJanuary 1, 1995

Which countries are in the EU?

The countries that are in the European Union are as follows: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

How many countries are part of the EU?

As of the time of this writing, there are a total of 27 countries in the European Union.

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