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LGBTQ+ Population by Country / Which Country Has the Largest LGBTQI+ Population? 2024

The worldwide LGBTQI+ population by country reports estimate that approximately eight percent of the world identifies as homosexual, bisexual, or pansexual. Approximately 80 percent of the world identifies as heterosexual, and the remaining 12 percent of the world will not report how they identify. This data is as recent as 2021.

It is estimated that the younger generations are more likely to be open about their sexuality, with Generation Z being the most likely to be openly gay, bisexual, or asexual or pansexual. Millennials are the next most likely to be openly gay, and Baby Boomers are the least likely to report or identify as openly gay. The age groups of Millennials and Generation Z are the age group between the ages of 23 and 38 in the year 2021.

Australia’s LGBTQI+ Population By the Numbers

Australia is considered to have some of the most liberal views on the planet, and as such, but will not report it as frequently as other countries. In 2011, one report indicated that approximately 96.5 percent of the population was heterosexual, while the remainder of the population reported, identified as homosexual or asexual.

More women than men reported as homosexual, while 19 percent of women reported as said they had at least one same-sex attraction in their life. By 2020, a separate study found that 7.1 percent of the population identified as gay, and the remainder identified as heterosexual.

The United States’ Reported LGBTQI+ Population Isn’t Large

The United States is as developed country and most would presume it has a large and open LGBTQ community. It doesn’t. It has one of the smallest reported LGBTQI+ populations by country in the world, of the countries that will report that. It was estimated by one Gallup poll that approximately 5.6 percent of the population identified as LGBTQI+.

Of those that do identify as LGBTQI+, over 50 percent of them are bisexual and 24 percent are gay, while 11 percent are lesbian. The remainder are transgender or do not identify with either gender.

Canada’s Gay Population

In Canada, in 1988, only one percent of the population would admit that they were gay. By 2012, five percent of the population were identifying as gay, lesbian, transgender, or bisexual. The age group most likely to say they were gay or bisexual was the age group of 18-34. In 2016, a study or poll on women alone indicated that eight percent were gay.

Israel’s Higher Gay Population

Compared to many countries, including Canada, Israel has a higher than average gay population when comparing LGBTQ population by country. The gay population in Israel was approximately 11.3 percent in 2012 for men, and 15.2 percent for women. By 2015, the rates had dropped with 91.5 percent of the population identifying as heterosexual.

Israel follows suit with other countries that are reporting or identifying as gay. The younger generations are more likely to identify as gay or report as gay.

  • In many countries, admitting one's LGBTQ+ orientation can put one's employment, acceptance by society, eligibility for certain social assistance programs, and even personal safety at risk. As such, accurate data on LGBTQ+ populations can be quite difficult to attain, even in the most tolerant of countries.

Which country has the most people that identify as LGBTQ?

A report in 2020 found that Australia was the country with the highest percentage of people who identify as LGBTQ. 7.1 percent of the population claimed this identity at that time.

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