Micronations 2025

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# of Micronations










5 Countries with the Most Micronations

# of Micronations
Official Name
Founding Year
United States9Conch Republic | Maritime Republic of Eastport | Kingdom of EnenKio | Ganienkeh | Republic of Molossia | Most Serene Federal Republic of Montmartre | United Territories of the Sovereign Nation of The People's Republic of Slowjamastan | Washitaw Nation | Zaqistan1982 | 1998 | 1994 | 1974 | 1977 | c.1965 | 2021 | 1990s | 2005
Australia7Empire of Atlantium | Grand Duchy of Avram | Province of Bumbunga | Murrawarri Republic | Principality of Snake Hill | Principality of Wy | Sovereign Yidindji Government1981 | 1980s | 1976 | 2013 | 2003 | 2004 | 2013
France4Principality of Aigues-Mortes | Principality of Laàs en Béarn | Holy Empire of Reunion | Republic of Saugeais2010 | 2015 | 1997 | 1947
United Kingdom3Sovereign State of Forvik | Free Borough of Llanrwst | Principality of Sealand2008 | 1276 and 1947 | 1967
Italy2Principality of Filettino | Principality of Seborga2011 | 1963
Canada2Kingdom of L'Anse-Saint-Jean | Republic of Rathnelly1997 | 1967
Chile2Kingdom of Araucanía and Patagonia | Glacier Republic1873 | 2014
Sweden2United Republics of Jämtland, Härjedalen, and Ravund | Royal Republic of Ladonia1963 | 1996
Czech Republic2Other World Kingdom | Kingdom of Wallachia1996 | 1997
Denmark2Freetown Christiania | Kingdom of Elleore1971 | 1944
South Korea1Naminara Republic2006
Austria1Republic of Kugelmugel1975
New Zealand1Republic of Whangamōmona1989
Uruguay1Republic of Parva Domus Magna Quies1878
Bosnia and Herzegovina1Hajduk Republic of Mijat Tomić2002
Lithuania1Republic of Užupis1997
North Macedonia1Republic of Vevčani1991 and 2000
Belize1Principality of Islandia2018
Antigua and Barbuda1Kingdom of Redonda1865


Official Name
Founding Year
Additional Details
Dominion of Melchizedek1990This source of financial fraud claims several Pacific islands, as well as a portion of Antarctica that has not been claimed by any recognized country, comprising most of Marie Byrd Land. (Two other micronations, Talossa and Westarctica, q.v., have also asserted control of this area in the Antarctic.) Melchezidek has been recognized by the Central African Republic
Elgaland-Vargaland1992This conceptual art project was created by Carl Michael von Hausswolff and Leif Elggren. The micronation claims international borders as its territory, as well as other "interstitial territories" such as Limbo, and counts all dead persons as its citizens. In 2007, Elgaland-Vargaland claimed to have annexed Isola di San Michele, in the Venetian Lagoon
Empire of Austenasia2008Austenasia purports to be a successor to the Roman Empire. It was founded in a house, which now serves as the micronation's capital, in Sutton, a borough of Greater London, United Kingdom
Free Republic of Liberland2015Vít Jedlička founded this micronation, which claims part of the land on the disputed border of Serbia and Croatia. Access to the area asserted to be Liberland is mostly controlled by Croatia
Global Country of World Peace2000Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of Transcendental Meditation, established this "country without borders for peace-loving people everywhere. It has made several unsuccessful attempts to create sovereign territory in recognized countries by offering financial compensation to their governments or to local residents. The micronation's currency has gained some limited acceptance. As of 2023, the GCWP is led by Tony Nader
Kingdom of Talossa1979An American teenager in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, created this micronation, the territory of which was initially limited to his bedroom. It has since expanded into part of Milwaukee, as well as other locations on Earth (including Marie Byrd Land, which is also claimed by two other micronations, Melchezidek and Westarctica; q.v.). Talossa's founder claims to have invented the term micronation as well
Nova Roma1998Nova Roma is an organization that seeks to recreate a "classical Roman" society. It subscribes to ancient Roman religion, holds competitions and re-enactments, and mints its own coinage. It is considered by some to be a micronation
Nutopia1973John Lennon and Yoko Ono founded this "conceptual country", partly as a satirical response to the United States government's attempt to deport Lennon. Nutopia "has no land ... only people", and anyone may declare himself a citizen
Space Kingdom of Asgardia2016Igor Ashurbeyli founded Asgardia, which has the objective of creating a colony in orbit that is an independent country. Under the Outer Space Treaty, no nation may lay claim to territory in space. A number of smaller countries are not parties to this treaty, however. Asgardia launched a small satellite in 2017, and claimed the space occupied by it as the micronation's territory.The satellite re-entered the atmosphere and burnt up in 2022 as was expected