Where is Nebraska located?

Known as the Cornhusker State, Nebraska is situated within two different regions of the United States. As part of the Midwest, Nebraska is also considered a state in the Great Plains Region. If you look at a map of the U.S. then you will see that Nebraska appears to be in the very center of the country. While the actual center point of the United States is located in South Dakota, visuals might trick you into thinking Nebraska is front and center.

GPS Coordinates and Geographic Center Point

The latitude of Nebraska is 41.4925° N, while the longitude is 99.9018° W. The very center of the state of Nebraska is located at the coordinates of 41° 31.5' N and 99° 51.7' W.

Total Area, Population, and Density of Nebraska

Nebraska is approximately 210 miles wide, with a length of 430 miles. The total area of Nebraska is roughly 77,358 square miles. The Census Bureau released their census of 2018. According to their findings, Nebraska has a population of 1,920,000 people. Taking the population and dividing it by the total area, we are able to determine that the population density of Nebraska is approximately 25 people per square mile. Based on population density, Nebraska ranks as the sixteenth largest state in the U.S.

Nebraska’s Most Extreme Points

Nebraska is positioned between six other states. With South Dakota to the north and Kansas to the south, Nebraska also shares borders with Wyoming, Colorado, Missouri, and Iowa. The most extreme point of northern Nebraska is in line with the forty-third parallel, right along the border between Nebraska and South Dakota. In the east, Nebraska extends as far as Richardson County, which also happens to be the location of the Iowa Indian Reservation. To the south, the furthest point is along the border between Nebraska and Kansas. The point right before Nebraska becomes Wyoming designates the westernmost point of Nebraska.

Elevation Levels of Nebraska

On average, Nebraska is at an elevation level of 2,600 feet above sea level. Such a high mean altitude is not atypical for states as inland as Nebraska. The highest point in the state is the Panorama Point in the south, measuring in with an elevation level of 5,424 feet above sea level. The point where the Missouri River drops to an elevation of 2,600 feet above sea level is the lowest point in all of Nebraska.

State Name
200,330 km2
Area Ranking
Statehood Year
America/Chicago, America/Denver
Postal Abbreviation

Nebraska Belongs to the Midwest U.S. Census Region