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North America

Tijuana's 2025 population is now estimated at 2,333,220In 1950, the population of Tijuana was 60,336Tijuana has grown by 36,000 in the last year, which represents a 1.57% annual change.These population estimates and projections come from the latest revision of the UN World Urbanization Prospects. These estimates represent the Urban agglomeration of Tijuana, which typically includes Tijuana's population in addition to adjacent suburban areas.

Total Population
36K 1.57%
Capital of Mexico?

Tijuana Population

Tijuana Overview

Tijuana is a city that is located in the Baja California state of Mexico. It is the westernmost city in Mexico. Tijuana is designated as a global city and has become a leader in the nation in economics, culture, politics, education and industry. The city is one of the fastest-growing in the country. It has a population of 1,696,923.

City Size and Population Density

The city’s area is 246 square miles, and the population density is 6,900 residents per square mile. Tijuana is the 6th largest city in Mexico by population.

Tijuana Population Demographics

Tijuana has a very diverse population. Many people from all over Mexico now call Tijuana home. The city also has foreign residents with origins from all around the world. Tijuana has one of the largest populations of Asians in the country. There are also many US citizens coming to Tijuana, particularly those from Southern California. This is because residents are able to continue working in Southern California while avoiding the high cost of living. A large number of Latin Americans also reside in this city.

A large majority of the city’s population, 96%, follow the beliefs of Christianity. Taoism and no religious preference were also noted within the remaining 4% of responses concerning religion among the population in Tijuana.

Crime in Tijuana

Crime in Tijuana has often caused concern for residents and tourists alike. Recent statistics show that there has been little change in the crime levels of the city. The crime rate is strongly related to the location of Tijuana and its proximity to the border and California. Per official government of Mexico statistics, the five municipalities in Baja California – including Tijuana, Mexicali, Ensenada, Rosarito, and Tecate – all had a record increase in homicides in 2017.

Population Growth in Tijuana

Looking back over the last few decades shows that Tijuana has experienced steady growth. The population hit the one million milestone between 1995 and 2000 and has continued to grow at double-digit rates. The city is one of the fastest-growing in all of Mexico, with population growth of about 80,000 residents per year.

Other Cities in Mexico

2025 Pop.
Mexico City22,752,4001.1%
Toluca de Lerdo2,719,5201.69%
Leon de los Aldamas1,950,3901.35%
La Laguna1,866,5802.21%
Ciudad Juarez1,625,9801.37%
San Luis Potosi1,310,7201.44%
Acapulco de Juarez1,046,7101.35%


  1. World Population Prospects (2024 Revision) - United Nations population estimates and projections.