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East African Countries 2024

East Africa refers to the region of Africa that extends to the easternmost region of the continent. There is a total of twenty-one countries in East Africa. The most fascinating aspect of Eastern Africa is that this region of the continent is that there are so many different groups within the easternmost region of Africa.These different subregions within the confines of Eastern Africa include…

  • East African Community
  • African Great Lakes Region
  • Horn of Africa
  • Central African Federation
  • British East Africa Confederate

East African countries lie along the Indian Ocean. The East African countries that lie directly along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean include Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar, and Seychelles.

How about we talk through a brief overview of the different countries in East Africa? There are so many different land masses and nations throughout Eastern Africa, which can become confusing very easily. To start, there are a few countries that make up a community known as the East African Community, which is quite easy to remember. The East African countries of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda are the six countries that are members of the EAC.

Together, the East African countries of Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Ethiopia make up the Horn of Africa. Some people attribute this region of Africa as distinct and separate from the easternmost part of Africa, but officially, the four countries aforementioned are those that comprise East Africa.

East African countries are not solely those that make up the easternmost part of the continent of Africa. It appears as though people forget about the fact that some countries reside offshore of the main land mass, making it easy to gloss over East African island countries. A few of the island nations that East Africa encompasses include Mauritius, Seychelles, and Comoros.

Other parts of East Africa are the notable French territories that are considered to be part of East Africa even though they are technically ruled by foreign countries. The East African overseas territories of Mayotte and Reunion are under French rule, but geographically speaking, these two places are East African countries located directly in the Indian Ocean.

The Nile Valley is another area that East Africa encompasses, and the Nile Valley, you can find the East African countries of both Sudan and South Sudan. As yet another example of two countries in Eastern Africa being categorized as part of an entirely separate region of the continent altogether. Both South Sudan and Sudan are sometimes mistaken as being part of Northern Africa, but the truth of the matter is that these two countries are absolutely part of East Africa. As interesting as it is, South Sudan and Sudan are two countries that comprise an area called COMESA, or the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa.

There are bits and pieces of Kenya that people occasionally include when speaking about East Africa, but Kenya often goes forgotten about as a result of not being fully along the easternmost border of the continent. Uganda and Tanzania face similar issues in that they are not always considered to be part of East Africa, but don’t let that sway you otherwise! These three places are, indeed, East African countries.

When you study the different regions of Africa, you will find that many East African countries overlap and are simultaneously considered part of other regions within Africa as well. For example, both the island of Madagascar and the country of Mozambique are classified as being part of southern Africa, while also being considered two countries in East Africa. The African island of Madagascar is often mistaken as being part of Asia, too -- though, this is not the truth. Officially, the island country is part of East Africa.


Ethiopia has a population size of 109,710,484 people. There are about 386,102 square miles of land within the borders of Ethiopia, making the country the twelfth largest place on Earth. The country is situated to the west of Somalia, to the south of Eritrea, and to the north of Kenya, as well as to the east of Sudan and South Sudan. The capital city of Ethiopia is Addis Ababa.


Kenya is an East African country with a population of 52,007,855 people. The population density of Kenya is two hundred thirty-eight people for every square mile, which amounts to a total of 219,746 square miles of land within Kenya’s borders. Nairobi is the capital city of Kenya, and the country lies along the coastline of the Indian Ocean. The majority of Kenyan land is offshore.


Rwanda is an East African country that sometimes goes unnoticed if you do not look at a map of the African continent for long enough. With a population size of 12,746,560 people, the Rwandan land is a total of 9,525 square miles. The population density of Rwanda is around 1,343 people per square mile. South of Rwanda is the African country of Burundi, which is also part of the continent’s easternmost region. Tanzania is east of Rwanda, Uganda is north of the country, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo is along the westernmost border of Rwanda.


Uganda is an East African country that 45,471,352 people call home. There are an estimated number of 77,147 square miles within the country’s borders, making Uganda a country with a population density of five hundred ninety-three people for every square mile.

Uganda is one of the westernmost countries in East Africa, with its western border lining up with the eastern border of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Uganda is slightly north of Rwanda and Tanzania, and Uganda is also to the northwest of Kenya. Similar to Kenya and Ethiopia, the East African country of uganda is also south of Sudan. The capital city of Uganda is a place called Kampala.


Zimbabwe has a total area that includes 149,364 square miles of land. With a population size of about 17,234,914 people, the population density of Zimbabwe amounts to about one hundred sixteen people per square mile of land. Zimbabwe is situated in the southernmost part of East Africa.With Mozambique along the eastern. border of Zimbabwe, the East African country of Zambia is to the north of Zimbabwe.

How many countries are in East Africa?

East Africa has 21 countries that create this region closest to the Indian Ocean.

Which countries are considered East African?

There are six countries that are official members of the East African Community: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.

Frequently Asked Questions
