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Magnesium Production by Country 2024

Magnesium is an essential mineral when it comes to many biological functions. Among other things, it factors into over 300 different enzyme systems that keep various bodily reactions regulated, including muscle function and protein synthesis. It also has many crucial applications within the industrial world as an essential metal.

However, the actual production of usable magnesium can vary quite a bit from country to country thanks to a variety of different factors. Here’s a closer look at how the data breaks down in 2023.

Top Magnesium-Producing Countries

China is by far the world’s biggest producer of magnesium, yielding an estimated 17 million metric tons each year and accounting for more than 80 percent of the world’s total magnesium exports. Some of the other current world leaders in magnesium production include:

Russia – 86,571 million metric tons

United States – 68,226 million metric tons

Israel – 35,741 million metric tons

Australia – 2.6 million metric tons

Turkey – 1.8 million metric tons

Brazil – 1.5 million metric tons

Austria – 800,000 million metric tons

Spain – 620,000 million metric tons

Kazakhstan – 23,000 million metric tons

China’s dominance as far as the global magnesium industry can be attributed to a number of factors, including but not necessarily limited to the presence of abundant natural magnesium deposits and the nation’s ongoing investment in its production infrastructure.

Global Factors That May Affect Magnesium Production

A number of different factors may impact a particular country’s ability to produce magnesium on its own. Some examples include the following.

Natural Ore Deposits

Countries (such as China) that have substantial natural deposits of magnesium ore within their borders will have a natural advantage in the industry over countries without this.

Tech and Labor Access

Having the ore to mine is one thing, but successfully extracting it and putting it on the market are different concerns entirely. A country with well-developed mining technology and access to a labor force with the skill to put it to good use will have an edge over the competition.

Government Policies

Whether or not a country’s government policies support ample magnesium production can factor into the equation, as well. Examples of government-managed factors that may contribute include tax incentives, trade regulations, and subsidies.

Geopolitical Concerns

Ongoing or temporary geopolitical tensions can affect a country’s magnesium production abilities by interrupting supply chains, causing trade disputes, and potentially affecting relationships with other players in the global market.

Additional factors, such as natural disasters, climate change, or various economic trends can also impact various countries involved in magnesium production and exports.

  • Data presented in thousands of metric tons. For example, China's listed Magnesium Compound production value of 17,000 in 2022 represents 17,000,000 metric tons.
  • Production data for the United States is withheld in the interest of protecting proprietary industrial information.
  • 2021 Magnesium metals production data for China and Russia is estimated.
  • Additional unlisted countries collectively produced 400 tons of Magnesium compounds in 2021 and 2020.
Magnesium Metal 2022 (1000 tons)
Magnesium Compounds 2022 (1000 tons)
Magnesium Metal 2021 (1000 tons)
Magnesium Compounds 2021 (1000 tons)
United StatesNaNNaNNaNNaN

Which country is the largest producer of magnesium?

China is the world's largest magnesium producer - an estimated 17 million metric tons. Mined from magnesite and other rare ores, magnesium is also produced from seawater.

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