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Rebelling Countries 2024

There are six reasons why countries rebel. The first of these is political reasons: bad, high-handed, and corrupt governance by those in power may trigger resistance towards the government among the citizens of a country. People in rebelling countries may protest persecution or assassinations of their political leaders. Second is economic seclusion: deliberate seclusion during the division of a country’s resources will cause people in the neglected territories to rise against their national government. Additionally, when certain groups of people in a country are discriminated against because of their religious affiliations and beliefs, they may rebel against the government consenting to their mistreatment. This is a common reason in rebelling countries.

A fourth reason is foreign interference. When a country interferes in the internal affairs of another nation, the citizens of the infringed nation may rebel to protect their sovereignty. The government of a neighboring or foreign country may claim sovereignty over a territory in another country. People living in the territories under dispute may rebel against the interfering government or their government for failing to defend their territory. Lastly, secession is breaking away from a larger union. It happens when people in a particular territory choose to withdraw from a larger entity and operate independently. In some cases, secession is peaceful and mutually agreed upon, but it is often achieved through rebellion in most cases. Secession is a common reason among rebelling countries even in the modern age.

What Countries are Currently Rebelling?

The decade-long Syrian uprising has seen cities and towns sieged by several rebel groups. They include the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS), Kurdish Forces, the Free Syrian Army, and the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. In Somalia, Al-Shabaab is the dominant rebel group in the Horn of Africa. It controls parts of Southern Somalia. In Palestine, Hamas have controlled and governed the Gaza Strip since 2007.

The ongoing Yemen Civil War that started in 2014 has seen Houthis forces control North Yemen and Sanaa, the country’s largest city. Sudan’s internal conflict started in 2011, led by the Sudan Revolutionary Front and the Justice and Equality Movement. Territories sieged by the rebel groups include Blue Nile State, parts of Darfur, and South Kordofan. The Kachin Independence Party controls parts of Kachin State and Shan State in the ongoing Kachin conflict in Myanmar (Burma).

The ongoing Tigray war in Ethiopia pits the Ethiopian military against forces from the Tigray People Liberation Front. Parts of Eritrea and Sudan bordering the Tigray region are also affected by the Tigray War. The current war in Afghanistan began in 2001 when U.S. troops invaded the country to fight off the Taliban. The ongoing Kurdish-Turkish conflict started in 2015. It has the Turkish government fighting off multiple Kurdish insurgent groups seeking to separate from Turkey.

Which countries have current rebellions?

The following countries are experiencing some form of rebellion: Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Turkey and Yemen.

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