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Countries Never Colonized 2024

  • In addition to the countries listed, a number of additional Asian and Middle Eastern countries were occupied or rendered non-sovereign by foreign interests at one time or another.These countries may have functioned as de facto colonies, but whether they could be considered official colonies is a matter of some dispute: Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Syria, and United Arab Emirates.
Argument Against Label
AfghanistanNever colonized despite Britain's attempts in the Anglo-Afghan Wars (1839-1842 and 1878-1880) and Russia's 1979 invasion. Foreign relations controlled by Britain 1880-???, but remained self-governing. Occupied and controlled by US 2001-2021, but not colonized.
BhutanNever colonized, though it ceded territory to Britain at the end of the Duar War in 1865. Became British protectorate in 1866 a "princely state" in 1910, which established Bhutanese independence but left Britain still in control of Bhutanese foreign policy.
ChinaConquered by Mongols in 1200s, who established Yuan dynasty and ruled until 1368 AD. Opium wars entrenched outside influence and gave UK control over Hong Kong from 1841-1997, gave France, Russia, US additional influence as well; portions annexed by Japan during WWII. However, never actually colonized.
EthiopiaAvoided becoming Italian colony due to a treaty mistranslation, then avoided it again by winning subsequent war with Italy. Annexed by Italy 1939-1944 (WWII), but this is generally considered brief military occupation rather than colonization.
IranConquered and briefly ruled by Greece 334 BC, ruled by various Arab kingdoms (approx. 600s to 800s), parts occupied by or ceded to Russia during wars in 1804–1813 and 1826–1828. Like Ottoman Turkey, took out loans that gave UK and Russia outsized control over economy in 1900s, with oil rights owned by UK for many years. But never colonized.
JapanAfter defeating China in the First Sino-Japanese War in 1895 and Russia in the Russo-Japanese War in 1905, Japan not only avoided colonization, but became a conqueror itself, annexing Korea and Manchuria for a time.
LiberiaNever forcibly colonized, although it was founded as a de facto US colony. Founded in 1820 by the American Colonization Society to return freed slaves to their homeland. Declared its independence in 1847, which was recognized by US in 1862.
MongoliaEstablished Genghis Khan's Mongol Empire in 1200s, Absorbed by China's Qing dynasty in late 1600s, ruled by China until 1911, then became satellite state (but not colony) of Soviet Union 1924 to 1992. Yet never colonized.
NepalAvoided outright colonization by Brits, but ceded significant territory during Anglo-Nepalese War (1814-1816) and became British protectorate in 1816. Arguably functioned as British puppet state for some time.
North KoreaNever colonized by a European country. Annexed by Japan in 1910 and occupied until 1945, which some historians consider a colonization.
Saudi ArabiaVarying but significant areas controlled by Ottoman empire from early 1500s-early 1900s. Established as a British protectorate—but not a colony—in 1915 and became fully independent in 1932.
South KoreaNever colonized by a European country. Annexed by Japan in 1910 and occupied until 1945, which some historians consider a colonization.
ThailandNever colonized by European country (despite attempts by both France and Great Britain). Arguably colonized by Japan during WWII, though some consider that time a military occupation rather than colonization.
TongaBritish protected state 1900-1970, giving Britain preferential trade terms and control over foreign affairs. However, remained self-governing.
TurkeyPart of the Ottoman Empire throughout much of modern history. Took loans from European banks after the Crimean War (1853-1856), giving foreign interests significant influence and control, but remained self-governing.

Which countries have never been colonized?

Japan is the only country that was never colonized.

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