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Many experts believe widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is a critical component of any meaningful action to curb climate change. Though EVs are an imperfect solution with their own environmental baggage, certain nations are leading the “charge” to reduce fossil fuel emissions and paving the way for a cleaner tomorrow.
China, the undisputed leader in the electric vehicle market, currently boasts over 5 million EVs on its roads. China’s not showing any signs of slowing down, either: experts project nearly 13 million EVs in China by the end of 2023.
Europe accounted for over 32% of the world’s EV ownership by the end of 2021, with 5.5 million EVs on its roads. With nearly 220,000 light electric commercial vehicles in service, Europe is also an essential bulwark against commercial and corporate interests working against the accomplishments of private EV owners.
While the ownership of electric passenger and commercial vehicles is important, so is powering their batteries through sustainable sources. Many people cite environmental impacts, such as mining for battery components or charging vehicles from “dirty” power sources, as one of the key drawbacks to electric cars.
Albania has found a unique solution to the puzzle. The country generates all its electricity from hydroelectric power, which has boosted its image as one of the best places to own an electric car and truly reduce emissions.
From the introduction of the first electric vehicles to the end of 2021, plug-in car sales in the United States totaled 2.32 million. Most were in California, where automakers sold 1 million plug-in cars by November 2021. Various factors, including market pricing, limited accessibility of charging stations, and expiring governmental-sponsored financial incentives for buyers, hamper EV adoption in the US.
Costa Rica has emerged as a leader in the all-electric passenger car segment in the Americas as of 2022, with 4,854 light-duty all-electric vehicles and 1,098 all-electric motorcycles in operation.
Electric car use varies wildly by country, with government policies, price concerns, and a growing charging infrastructure directly influencing purchases. However, it’s clear electric vehicles are here to stay, with countries worldwide driving toward a more sustainable future.
Country | BEV Sales 2020 | BEV Stock 2020 | PHEV Sales 2020 | PHEV Stock 2020 |
China | 920,000 | 3,500,000 | 220,000 | 990,000 |
United States | 230,000 | 1,100,000 | 64,000 | 640,000 |
Germany | 190,000 | 330,000 | 200,000 | 300,000 |
United Kingdom | 110,000 | 190,000 | 68,000 | 220,000 |
France | 110,000 | 280,000 | 75,000 | 130,000 |
Norway | 77,000 | 340,000 | 29,000 | 150,000 |
Netherlands | 73,000 | 180,000 | 15,000 | 110,000 |
Canada | 37,000 | 110,000 | 14,000 | 73,000 |
Italy | 33,000 | 55,000 | 27,000 | 44,000 |
South Korea | 31,000 | 120,000 | 8,700 | 24,000 |
Sweden | 28,000 | 56,000 | 66,000 | 120,000 |
Switzerland | 20,000 | 54,000 | 14,000 | 30,000 |
Spain | 18,000 | 45,000 | 24,000 | 43,000 |
Austria | 16,000 | 45,000 | 7,600 | 15,000 |
Japan | 15,000 | 140,000 | 15,000 | 160,000 |
Belgium | 15,000 | 32,000 | 32,000 | 73,000 |
Denmark | 14,000 | 32,000 | 18,000 | 30,000 |
Portugal | 7,800 | 23,000 | 12,000 | 26,000 |
Australia | 5,200 | 17,000 | 1,700 | 10,000 |
Finland | 4,200 | 9,700 | 13,000 | 46,000 |
New Zealand | 3,900 | 17,000 | 1,500 | 5,900 |
Poland | 3,700 | 8,800 | 4,500 | 8,300 |
India | 3,100 | 12,000 | 43 | 50 |
Iceland | 2,600 | 6,300 | 2,400 | 10,000 |
Mexico | 1,800 | 3,100 | 2,000 | 6,400 |
Israel | 1,500 | 3,800 | 5,400 | 15,000 |
Turkey | 890 | 2,900 | 400 | 1,000 |
Brazil | 680 | 1,600 | 1,800 | 3,800 |
Greece | 680 | 1,100 | 1,500 | 2,200 |
Chile | 110 | 550 | 79 | 290 |
South Africa | 92 | 640 | 150 | 830 |
Total | 1,973,252 | 6,716,490 | 943,772 | 3,287,770 |
Country | BEV Sales 2021 (Vehicles) | PHEV Sales 2021 | BEV Stock 2021 | PHEV Stock 2021 | EV Sales Share 2021 (%) | EV Stock Share 2021 |
Australia | 17,000 | 3,400 | 34,000 | 14,000 | 2.8% | 0.39% |
Austria | 33,000 | 15,000 | 77,000 | 29,000 | 20% | 2.1% |
Belgium | 23,000 | 48,000 | 52,000 | 120,000 | 18% | 3% |
Brazil | 2,900 | 11,000 | 4,400 | 15,000 | 0.74% | 0.05% |
Canada | 59,000 | 28,000 | 160,000 | 100,000 | 6.5% | 1.2% |
Chile | 270 | 300 | 820 | 590 | 0.19% | 0.04% |
China | 2,700,000 | 550,000 | 6,200,000 | 1,600,000 | 16% | 2.9% |
Denmark | 25,000 | 40,000 | 67,000 | 78,000 | 35% | 5.2% |
Finland | 10,000 | 20,000 | 23,000 | 77,000 | 31% | 3.6% |
France | 160,000 | 140,000 | 440,000 | 270,000 | 19% | 1.9% |
Germany | 360,000 | 330,000 | 690,000 | 630,000 | 26% | 2.7% |
Greece | 2,200 | 4,800 | 3,300 | 7,000 | 6.9% | 0.18% |
Iceland | 4,300 | 4,900 | 11,000 | 15,000 | 72% | 11% |
India | 12,000 | 50 | 23,000 | 100 | 0.4% | 0.06% |
Israel | 11,000 | 13,000 | 15,000 | 28,000 | 6.8% | 1.1% |
Italy | 67,000 | 71,000 | 120,000 | 110,000 | 9.5% | 0.6% |
Japan | 22,000 | 23,000 | 160,000 | 180,000 | 1.2% | 0.51% |
Mexico | 3,000 | 3,500 | 6,100 | 9,900 | 0.75% | 0.08% |
Netherlands | 64,000 | 31,000 | 250,000 | 140,000 | 30% | 4.2% |
New Zealand | 6,800 | 3,500 | 26,000 | 9,400 | 3.6% | 1% |
Norway | 110,000 | 38,000 | 450,000 | 180,000 | 86% | 22% |
Poland | 7,200 | 9,100 | 19,000 | 19,000 | 3.7% | 0.18% |
Portugal | 13,000 | 16,000 | 37,000 | 41,000 | 20% | 1.4% |
South Africa | 220 | 51 | 860 | 880 | 0.09% | 0.03% |
South Korea | 72,000 | 19,000 | 190,000 | 44,000 | 6.2% | 1.2% |
Spain | 24,000 | 43,000 | 69,000 | 86,000 | 7.8% | 0.61% |
Sweden | 57,000 | 78,000 | 110,000 | 190,000 | 43% | 6% |
Switzerland | 32,000 | 22,000 | 86,000 | 53,000 | 23% | 2.9% |
Turkey | 3,000 | 920 | 6,800 | 1,800 | 0.55% | 0.07% |
United Kingdom | 190,000 | 120,000 | 380,000 | 330,000 | 19% | 2.1% |
United States | 470,000 | 160,000 | 1,500,000 | 720,000 | 4.5% | 0.95% |
Country | BEV Sales 2020 (Vehicles) | PHEV Sales 2020 | BEV Stock 2020 | PHEV Stock 2020 | EV Sales Share 2020 (%) | EV Stock Share 2020 |
Australia | 5,200 | 1,700 | 17,000 | 10,000 | 1.1% | 0.22% |
Austria | 16,000 | 7,600 | 45,000 | 15,000 | 9.5% | 1.2% |
Belgium | 15,000 | 32,000 | 32,000 | 73,000 | 11% | 1.8% |
Brazil | 680 | 1,800 | 1,600 | 3,800 | 0.15% | 0.01% |
Canada | 37,000 | 14,000 | 110,000 | 73,000 | 4.1% | 0.73% |
Chile | 110 | 79 | 550 | 290 | 0.16% | 0.03% |
China | 920,000 | 220,000 | 3,500,000 | 990,000 | 5.8% | 1.8% |
Denmark | 14,000 | 18,000 | 32,000 | 30,000 | 16% | 2.3% |
Finland | 4,200 | 13,000 | 9,700 | 46,000 | 18% | 2.3% |
France | 110,000 | 75,000 | 280,000 | 130,000 | 11% | 1.1% |
Germany | 190,000 | 200,000 | 330,000 | 300,000 | 13% | 1.3% |
Greece | 680 | 1,500 | 1,100 | 2,200 | 2.6% | 0.06% |
Iceland | 2,600 | 2,400 | 6,300 | 10,000 | 52% | 6.3% |
India | 3,100 | 43 | 12,000 | 50 | 0.13% | 0.03% |
Israel | 1,500 | 5,400 | 3,800 | 15,000 | 2.6% | 0.51% |
Italy | 33,000 | 27,000 | 55,000 | 44,000 | 4.3% | 0.25% |
Japan | 15,000 | 15,000 | 140,000 | 160,000 | 0.77% | 0.45% |
Mexico | 1,800 | 2,000 | 3,100 | 6,400 | 0.42% | 0.05% |
Netherlands | 73,000 | 15,000 | 180,000 | 110,000 | 25% | 3.3% |
New Zealand | 3,900 | 1,500 | 17,000 | 5,900 | 2.8% | 0.66% |
Norway | 77,000 | 29,000 | 340,000 | 150,000 | 75% | 17% |
Poland | 3,700 | 4,500 | 8,800 | 8,300 | 1.9% | 0.07% |
Portugal | 7,800 | 12,000 | 23,000 | 26,000 | 14% | 0.88% |
South Africa | 92 | 150 | 640 | 830 | 0.1% | 0.02% |
South Korea | 31,000 | 8,700 | 120,000 | 24,000 | 2.5% | 0.72% |
Spain | 18,000 | 24,000 | 45,000 | 43,000 | 4.9% | 0.36% |
Sweden | 28,000 | 66,000 | 56,000 | 120,000 | 32% | 3.6% |
Switzerland | 20,000 | 14,000 | 54,000 | 30,000 | 14% | 1.8% |
Turkey | 890 | 400 | 2,900 | 1,000 | 0.17% | 0.03% |
United Kingdom | 110,000 | 68,000 | 190,000 | 220,000 | 11% | 1.3% |
United States | 230,000 | 64,000 | 1,100,000 | 640,000 | 2.2% | 0.77% |