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Hedgehog Population by Country 2024

The exact number of hedgehogs is unknown because they're isn't robust way to track the population.

The hedgehog population is on the decline due to few hedgerows and grasslands, which gives them fewer places to find food and cover from predators.

A total of twenty-three living hedgehog species exist in Europe, Asia, Africa, and New Zealand.

The estimate is that 1.5 million hedgehogs live in Great Britain - 1.1 million in England, 310,000 in Scotland, and 140,000 in Wales.

The European hedgehog is the largest species, can weigh over four pounds, and has between 5,000 and 6,500 quills.

Europeans introduced hedgehogs to New Zealand as a reminder of home when so far away from Europe. There are now more European hedgehogs in New Zealand in actual Europe.

The hedgehog has overpopulated New Zealand to the point where they've become pests due to not having any natural predators. Hedgehogs eat native species of insects, snails, lizards, and baby ground-nesting birds.

The African pygmy hedgehog, or the four-toed hedgehog, is the smallest species of hedgehog. Africa's hedgehog population is stable, with owls, foxes, and other predators being its only threat.

Native to Central America and parts of the Middle East, the long-eared hedgehogs live in burrows that they dug themselves or found.

The long-eared hedgehog is prone to carrying parasites and diseases, including the plague, and can transfer them to humans.

The desert hedgehog can be found in many countries, including the Middle East. The desert hedgehog has a band across its face and a wide muzzle, which makes it distinguishable from the long-eared species.

Hugh's hedgehog, also known as the central Chinese hedgehog, is native to China and Manchuria and has long snouts that help them hunt. The central Chinese hedgehog prefers dry steppes but is found in scrublands and forests.

  • Population values shown are estimates expressed as a range, with the minimum and maximum values displayed.

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Minimum Population
Max Population
Dominant Species
Additional Details
New Zealand10M50MErinaceus europaeus (European hedgehog)
Introduced population, considered a conservation concern due to predation on native fauna.
China1M5MErinaceus amurensis (Amur hedgehog)
Primarily found in northern and eastern China.| Primarily the Amur hedgehog (Erinaceus amurensis), d...
United Kingdom1M2MErinaceus europaeus (European hedgehog)
England 1,100,000, Scotland 310,000, Wales 140,000
Russia500K2MPrimarily the Northern white-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus concolor)
Data scarce
Potential decline, limited data
Potential decline, limited data
Potential decline, limited data
Potential decline, limited data
Potential decline, limited data
Iran100K500KParaechinus hypomelas (Brandt's hedgehog)
Primarily found in arid and semi-arid regions.
South Korea100K500KErinaceus amurensis (Amur hedgehog)
Data very scarce, potential presence based on limited distribution information.
Potential decline, limited data
Afghanistan100K500KHemiechinus auritus (Long-eared hedgehog)
Data very scarce, potential presence based on limited distribution information.
North Korea100K500KErinaceus amurensis (Amur hedgehog)
Data very scarce, potential presence based on limited distribution information.
Kazakhstan100K500KHemiechinus auritus (Long-eared hedgehog)
Primarily found in steppes and deserts.
Czech Republic100K500K
Potential decline, limited data
Mongolia100K500KHemiechinus auritus (Long-eared hedgehog)
Primarily found in steppes and deserts.
Potential decline, limited data
Potential decline, limited data
