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Peanut Butter Consumption 2015 (TMT)










Peanut Butter Consumption by Country 2024

Peanut butter is a popular food item that is versatile and typically easy to find. It also has a lot of protein in it, which makes it filling and healthy, in moderation. Because of these qualities, peanut butter is enjoyed around the globe. In this article, we will take a closer look at how peanut butter is consumed by countries around the world and some of the statistics that surround it.

By far, China is the country that consumes the most peanut butter. In 2023, the country consumed 4210 TMT worth of peanut butter. This is over twice as much as the second-place country, India, which was only responsible for consuming 1494 TMT worth of peanut butter in 2023.

After these two countries, the amount of peanut butter consumed by various countries around the world dropped dramatically. Myanmar, for example, consumed 309 MT worth of peanut butter in 2023 while Sudan only consumed 255 MT. Nigeria consumed nearly as much as Sudan in 2023 but only managed to consume 245 MT worth of peanut butter in 2023.

Tanzania is next on the list with 170 MT worth of peanut butter consumed in 2023. This country is followed by Burkina Faso with 153 MT worth of peanut butter consumption in 2023. Next on the list is the United States. People in the US consumed 152 MT worth of peanut butter in 2023, which is just slightly more than Brazil, which consumed 148 MT.

While peanut butter is popular in a great number of countries, there are countries where few amounts were consumed in 2023. Japan, for example, only consumed 1 TMT worth of peanut butter in 2023. The country of Mexico was responsible for 2 MTs, Zambia consumed 3 MTs, and Malaysia consumed 4 MTs.

Some of the other countries that consumed smaller amounts of peanut butter include Togo and Guatemala, which both consumed 5 MT worth in 2023. In addition to these countries, South Africa only consumed 6 MT, Taiwan consumed 7 MT, and Gambia and Turkey both consumed only 8 MT worth of peanut butter in 2023.

Collectively the European Union had a fairly low TMT consumption rate in 2023 as well. Throughout the entire EU, only 15 MT were consumed during the year. Peanut butter and peanut meal products remain popular food items in many countries around the world, but some countries enjoy it more than others.

  • Values displayed for consumption of peanut meal (ground peanuts) include peanut-based snacks such as Brazil's Amendocrem and Israel's Bamba as well as peanut butter.
  • Considerable disparity exists between various sources of peanut butter and peanut meal consumption data.
  • Values shown use the unit "thousands of metric tons", which may be written as "1000MT" or "TMT".
  • Collective peanut meal consumption for the countries of the European Union is estimated to be 15 MT in 2023.

Which country eats the most peanut butter?

As of 2021, the United States consumed a stellar 7.9 pounds of peanut butter per person. Making it among the top consumers of peanut butter globally.

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