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11-Letter Countries / Countries with 11-Letter Names

With 195 countries globally, there are a vast variety of long and short names, inspired by everything from famous people to popular sayings. You might not even realize, but some countries have a few different names or have recently changed their name. Some are even just descriptions of their geographic locations.

Of all the countries in the world, South Africa might have the most obvious name. This country is the 24th most populous in the world. It is the most southerly country in the continent of Africa, something you might have already guessed from its title.

Some nations have only acquired their names recently. For example, Burkina Faso in West Africa went by the Republic of Upper Volta until 1984, 24 years after gaining independence from France. It changed its name to reflect its new freedom and values.

Although in English it goes by Switzerland, the European country has a wide range of names in its four official languages. It also goes by ‘die Schweiz’ in German, ‘Svizra’ in Romansch, ‘Suisse’ in French, and ‘Svizzera’ in Italian. It also has an official title of the Swiss Confederation or the hard to spell ‘Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft’ in German.

There are twelve countries with eleven letters in their name: three in Africa, three in Europe, three in Asia, and one in Oceania. These countries are:

Afghanistan 🇦🇫Burkina Faso 🇧🇫Cook Islands 🇨🇰Netherlands 🇳🇱Philippines 🇵🇭Saint Martin 🇲🇫Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦Sierra Leone 🇸🇱Sint Maarten 🇸🇽South Africa 🇿🇦Switzerland 🇨🇭Vatican City 🇻🇦

Some of these countries are in a free partnership or inside other countries. For example, the Vatican City is inside Italy and the smallest country in the world at just 0.2 square miles. The Cook Islands work with New Zealand, which maintains responsibility for the islands' defense and foreign affairs but only in consultation with the 15 islands.

Official Name
UN Member
AfghanistanIslamic Republic of Afghanistan
Burkina FasoBurkina Faso
Cook IslandsCook Islands
PhilippinesRepublic of the Philippines
Saint MartinSaint Martin
Saudi ArabiaKingdom of Saudi Arabia
Sierra LeoneRepublic of Sierra Leone
Sint MaartenSint Maarten
South AfricaRepublic of South Africa
SwitzerlandSwiss Confederation
Vatican CityVatican City State
Number of Letters
Number of Countries
412Chad, Cuba, Fiji, Guam, Iran, Iraq, Laos, Mali, Niue, Oman, Peru, Togo
526Aruba, Benin, Chile, China, Egypt, Gabon, Ghana, Haiti, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Libya, Macau, Malta, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Palau, Qatar, Samoa, Spain, Sudan, Syria, Tonga, Yemen
632Angola, Belize, Bhutan, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Cyprus, France, Gambia, Greece, Guinea, Guyana, Israel, Jersey, Jordan, Kuwait, Latvia, Malawi, Mexico, Monaco, Norway, Panama, Poland, Russia, Rwanda, Serbia, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, Tuvalu, Uganda, Zambia
747Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Bermuda, Bolivia, Burundi, Comoros, Croatia, Curacao, Denmark, DR Congo, Ecuador, Eritrea, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Grenada, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Jamaica, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Mayotte, Moldova, Morocco, Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria, Reunion, Romania, Senegal, Somalia, Tokelau, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Vietnam
828Anguilla, Barbados, Botswana, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cameroon, Colombia, Djibouti, Dominica, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Guernsey, Honduras, Hong Kong, Kiribati, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Pakistan, Paraguay, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Tanzania, Thailand, Zimbabwe
916Argentina, Australia, Cape Verde, Costa Rica, Gibraltar, Greenland, Guatemala, Indonesia, Isle of Man, Lithuania, Mauritius, Nicaragua, Palestine, San Marino, Singapore, Venezuela
1025Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, El Salvador, Guadeloupe, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Martinique, Mauritania, Micronesia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Mozambique, New Zealand, North Korea, Puerto Rico, Saint Lucia, Seychelles, South Korea, South Sudan, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Uzbekistan
1112Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Cook Islands, Netherlands, Philippines, Saint Martin, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Sint Maarten, South Africa, Switzerland, Vatican City
126Faroe Islands, French Guiana, Guinea-Bissau, New Caledonia, Turkmenistan, United States
136American Samoa, Cayman Islands, Czech Republic, Liechtenstein, United Kingdom, Western Sahara
143North Macedonia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands
155Falkland Islands, French Polynesia, Marshall Islands, Saint Barthelemy, Wallis and Futuna
161Equatorial Guinea

11-Letter Countries / Countries with 11-Letter Names

How many countries have 11 letters in them?

There are 12 countries (including territories) with 11 letters in their name.

Which country names have 11 letters in them?

The countries with 11 letters are: Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Cook Islands, Netherlands, Philippines, Saint Martin, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Sint Maarten, South Africa, Switzerland and Vatican City.

Frequently Asked Questions