Botox Laws by State 2025

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Alabama Flag
AlabamaLicensed PhysiciansThe Alabama Board of Medical Examiners issued an opinion stating that procedures involving Botox, Restylane, Collagen, and Mesotherapy are be the practice of medicine and, as such, each procedure must be performed by a licensed physician.
Alaska Flag
AlaskaAesthetic nurses or nurse injectorsAesthetic nurses, or nurse injectors, administer BOTOX and cosmetic filler injections to their patients, however, there must be oversight by a medical director for consultation or in the event of an emergency.
Arizona Flag
ArizonaRegistered nurses may perform botox with the supervision of a doctor.Registered Nurse may inject Botox as long as they have a medical director. As a Registered Nurse does not have authority to prescribe, they need a Nurse Practitioner or Doctor to prescribe the medication and oversee their treatment plan. Estheticians may not inject Botox.
Arkansas Flag
ArkansasAdvanced Practiced Registered Nurse and Registered NursesA prescription is required to obtain Botox and fillers and significant complications can occur with their injections. The performance of aesthetic procedures is within the scope of practice of a trained advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) or registered nurse (RN) as part of a medically prescribed plan of care for treatment of various dermatological conditions or as a part of a health maintenance and health promotion regime.
California Flag
CaliforniaOral SurgeonsCalifornia-licensed general dentists are not permitted to offer Botox and dermal filler injections to patients for purely cosmetic purposes. Only oral surgeons who hold an elective facial cosmetic surgery permit can provide these products for stand-alone cosmetic services.
Colorado Flag
ColoradoMediacal Aestheticians and Registered nurses with the supervision of a Licensed Physician or Nurse Practitioner Medical DirectorThis varies by state but in Colorado, a Medical Aesthetician or RN can inject under the direct supervision of a Physician or Nurse Practitioner Medical Director.
Connecticut Flag
ConnecticutLicensed health care provider within his/her scope of practiceBy law, cosmetic procedures, including botox administration, must be performed (1) in a medical spa or licensed health care facility and (2) by a Connecticut-licensed health care provider within his or her scope of practice.
Delaware Flag
DelawareRegistered Nurses and Licensed Practical NursesIt is within scope of practice for licensed nurses (RN and LPN) to perform cosmetic/aesthetic dermatological procedures as prescribed/ordered by a licensed physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or other licensed health care practitioner with prescriptive authority acting within her/his legal scope of practice, provided all criteria required in this statement are met.
Florida Flag
FloridaUnregulatedAccording to the Florida Board of Medicine there are no laws or rules that directly address who may or may not inject Botox.
Georgia Flag
GeorgiaGeneral DentistsThe American Academy of Facial Esthetics (AAFE) Level I course is the first board approved courses in injectable pharmacologics that will allow general dentists to perform Botulinum Toxin and dermal filler procedures in Georgia.
Hawaii Flag
HawaiiLicensed Physicians, physician assistantsAccording to the Hawaii Board of Medical Examiners, both physicians and physician assistants can perform laser hair removal, intense pulse light treatments, Botox injections, chemical peels, and filler injections.
Idaho Flag
IdahoLicensed PhysiciansUnder Idaho law any doctor can do cosmetic services in his/her primary care practice; no specialized background in dermatology or plastic surgery is required. A PA can order and perform injections as long as it is in their practice agreement with a licensed physician.
Illinois Flag
IllinoisRegistered NursesRNs may administer Botox in Illinois as long as certain regulatory requirements are met. Any use of botox must be provided in accordance with Board of Medicine and Board of Nursing requirements. Because these are considered medical treatments, they require an initial good-faith medical exam by either an MD or an APRN with full practice authority.
Indiana Flag
IndianaAny Licensed Physician or Nurse PractitionerAny physician or nurse practitioner (NP) can provide Botox and filler injection treatments, regardless of their medical specialty, expertise, and training.
Iowa Flag
IowaLicensed PhysiciansIn Iowa, medical aesthetic services are generally provided in medical spas, overseen by medical directors. In this setting, medical directors may delegate provision of these services to non-physicians, under certain circumstances as detailed below.
Kansas Flag
KansasOnly medical practitioners who hold an MD, DO, DDS, DMD, NP, and nurses under the supervision of a Licensed Physicians
Kentucky Flag
KentuckyLicensed estheticians with the supervision of a Licensed PhysicianLicensed estheticians may only administer BOTOX under a physician's "immediate supervision." Therefore, it is nonsensical that a physician may allow an unlicensed person to administer BOTOX, with little or no supervision
Louisiana Flag
LouisianaLicensed practical nursesPerform "head to toe" physical assessments. The administration of botox, for cosmetic purposes only, is within the scope of practice of licensed practical nurses in the state of Louisiana when certain conditions are met.
Maine Flag
MaineLicensed physicians, physician assistants, and nursesLicensed physicians, physician assistants and nurses are able to administer Botox and fillers injections for facial rejuvenation.
Maryland Flag
MarylandTrained Licensed PhysiciansMany cosmetic procedures, including Botox filler, are now recognized as a practice of medicine and can only be performed, in most cases, by a trained physician. That training must be approved by the American Medical Association. In addition, only licensed doctors and physicians can prescribe botulinum toxin.
Massachusetts Flag
MassachusettsLicensed medical professionals, such as RN, PA, LPN, MD, and NP
Michigan Flag
MichiganLicensed PhysiciansCurrently, the administration of Botox and dermal filler must be either: (1) performed by a physician; or (2) delegated by a physician to someone under his or her supervision who is qualified by education, training, and experience to perform such injection service.
Minnesota Flag
MinnesotaLicensed PhysiciansBotox is not an over-the-counter medication. It can only be ordered by a physician with a DEA license.
Mississippi Flag
MississippiPAs, RNs, NPs, or electrologists with the supervision of a Licensed PhysicianThe state is also not restrictive in terms of the requirements needed to perform procedures. As long as they have been delegated or supervised by a licensed physician, any PA, RN, NP, or electrologist can provide the specific treatment.
Missouri Flag
MissouriMedical practitioners who hold an MD, DO, DDS, DMD, NP, and nurses under the supervision of a physician
Montana Flag
MontanaLicensed PhysiciansThe state also doesn’t have any strict rules regarding the requirements to perform the treatments as long as the physician has the skill, extensive training, and experience to practice medical aesthetics. However, the law provides that any establishment that violates the corporate practice of medicine may be subject to penalties and possible imprisonment.
Nebraska Flag
NebraskaLicensed PhysiciansAccording to their law, any doctor can perform Botox and soft tissue fillers without any specialized training.
Nevada Flag
NevadaLicensed Physicians, PAs, properly trained dentists, RNs, ARNPs, and podiatric physiciansUnder NRS 454 and 629.086, the state only allows Botox and filler injections to be done by licensed physicians, PAs, properly trained dentists, RNs, ARNPs, and podiatric physicians.
New Hampshire Flag
New HampshirePAs, RNs, and NPs
New Jersey Flag
New JerseyLicensed PhysiciansThe state clearly provides that aestheticians aren’t allowed to perform these procedures and should only be administered by licensed physicians with special training from higher education.
New Mexico Flag
New MexicoUnregulated
New York Flag
New YorkAll procedure performers must have a valid state license and higher education trainingIt’s a must that all individuals performing the procedures should have an active state license and have completed training from a higher education institution.
North Carolina Flag
North CarolinaLicensed Physicians, PAs, NPs, and NursesPhysicians, PAs, NPs, and Nurses are legally able to inject in North Carolina.
North Dakota Flag
North DakotaLicensed PhysiciansCosmetic procedures like Botox, dermal fillers, and lasers should also only be done by a licensed physician. There are exemptions for injectables where a PA, NP, and RN can perform the treatment under physician supervision.
Ohio Flag
OhioPAs, RNs, and NPs
Oklahoma Flag
OklahomaLicensed PhysiciansA licensed physician is the only one allowed to perform the medical services.
Oregon Flag
OregonThere’s no specialized background required for performing injectables
Pennsylvania Flag
PennsylvaniaAll procedure performers must have a valid state license and higher education trainingThe state also requires that all individuals performing procedures should have training from a higher education institution and have an active license.
Rhode Island Flag
Rhode IslandRNs, PAs, LPNs, and Dentists.RN's and Physician Assistants are legally allowed to administer Botox injections as well as LPN's and Dentists.
South Carolina Flag
South CarolinaLicensed PhysiciansA licensed physician can perform procedures that are within the scope of their education and training. They can attend specialized training courses and have continuing education to demonstrate competency in the treatment. They can also supervise no more than 3 non-physicians in the practice.
South Dakota Flag
South DakotaPA, NP, and RN with Licensed Physician's supervision
Tennessee Flag
TennesseeQualified medical professional in sanitary conditionsTennessee law does not specifically address Botox parties so the law does not prohibit Botox parties or injections in the home. However, the injections must be performed by a qualified medical professional or allied health professional in sanitary conditions.
Texas Flag
TexasLicensed medical professionalsTexas Botox Certification Requirements state that, you must be a licensed medical professional to inject.
Utah Flag
UtahLicensed PhysiciansThe Utah state law clearly defines medical treatments as any procedure involving Botox, light and heat devices, collagen injections, and dermal fillers. Any doctor can provide cosmetic injectables without advanced training required.
Vermont Flag
VermontLicensed medical professionalsAnyone can form and own a medical spa practice in Vermont, however, not any practitioner can perform certain cosmetic treatments. A special license is required for some procedures.
Virginia Flag
VirginiaLicensed Physicians and practitionersAny doctor or practitioner can perform cosmetic injectables, however RNs and medical assistants can’t provide such procedures even with a supervising physician. Additionally, under the Virginia HB 2119, only licensed physicians, PAs, or properly trained PAs with supervision can perform laser treatments.
Washington Flag
WashingtonLicensed PhysiciansA physician must be fully and appropriately trained in a nonsurgical medical cosmetic procedure prior to performing the procedure or delegating the procedure.
West Virginia Flag
West VirginiaLicensed PhysiciansThe right to perform procedures is given to any licensed doctor with an appropriate background in aesthetic medicine but the law doesn’t require any advanced training.
Wisconsin Flag
WisconsinAny Licensed Physicians and nurse practitionersCommon procedures such as Botox and cosmetic fillers can be performed by any doctor or PAs and NPs.
Wyoming Flag
WyomingAny Licensed Physicians and nurse practitionersThe state doesn’t restrict the corporate practice of medicine so doctors can be employed to provide medical care and cosmetic services in non-physician owned businesses. Most procedures can be performed by any licensed physician and practitioner without needing specialized background or training.


  1. Can a Nurse Administer Botox in Illinois? - 1818 Lawyer & Lobbyist
  2. Aesthetic Courses and Workshops - Aesthetic Educations Medical Workshops
  3. Georgia State Board Approved Botox Course - American Academy of Facial Elites
  4. Can RNs Inject Botox in Florida? The Nursing Board Says... It's Complicated - American Med Spa Association
  5. Proposed Rules and Regulations with the Arkansas Legislative Council - Ark Leg State
  6. N.M. Code R. § - Case Text
  7. Provision of Botox solely for cosmetic purposes is outside the scope of dental practice in California - CDA Org
  8. Case No. 1977 - Commonwealth of Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure
  9. Botox & Filler Injector Qualifications in Arizona - DHH Medspa
  10. Medical Spa FAQs and What to Look for in a Medical Spa - Elite Medical & Aesthetics
  11. Who Can Administer Botox in Maryland? - Eternal Dermatolgy + Aesthetics
  12. Idaho Medical Spa State Regulations - Face Med Store
  13. A Guide to Med Spa Regulations by State - Face Med Store
  14. Tennessee Medical Spa Regulations - Face Med Store
  15. Role of the Licensed Nurse in the Practice of Aesthetics - Healthy Arkansas
  16. FAQ - Audrey Rose
  17. Michigan Medical Spas: Is the Wild West No More? - JD Supra
  18. Scope of Practice - Louisiana State Board of Practical Nurse Examiners
  19. Online Services: Board of Medicine - Medical Board Iowa
  20. Choosing the Right Botox Providers: Results, Safety, and Cost Concerns - Medium
  21. FAQ: Medispas - Miec
  22. Texas Botox Certification Requirements - National Laser Institute
  23. Botox Parties - Office of Legislative Research & Report
  24. Botox Cosmetic - Plastic Surgeons of Alaska
  25. Know Before You Go: Who Can Legally Inject Botox and Fillers? - Skin By Lovely
  26. Can a Nurse Administer Botox Injections without a Prescription in Minnesota? - Trepanier Law
  27. Botox in Rhode Island with Natural Results - Victory Medical Spa
  28. WAC 246-919-606 Nonsurgical medical cosmetic procedures - Washington State Legislature