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Banned for minors
No restrictions

Conversion Therapy Ban States 2024

Conversion Therapy Ban States 2024

Conversion therapy, also referred to as reparative therapy or sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE), emerged in the mid-20th century with the aim of altering individuals' sexual orientation or gender identity. Originating from psychoanalytic and behavioral theories, proponents claimed that homosexuality and transgender identity could be "cured" through various psychological or religious interventions.

However, as awareness and understanding of LGBTQ+ issues evolved, conversion therapy came under increasing scrutiny for its lack of scientific validity and its potential to cause significant harm to individuals subjected to it. Critics, including major medical and mental health organizations, have condemned the practice as ineffective, unethical, and psychologically damaging.

The controversy surrounding conversion therapy intensified in the late 20th and early 21st centuries as LGBTQ+ advocacy groups, mental health professionals, and lawmakers raised concerns about its impact on vulnerable populations, particularly minors. Studies have shown that individuals who undergo conversion therapy are at a heightened risk of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and suicide.

In response to these concerns, several states in the United States have taken legislative action to ban or restrict conversion therapy, particularly for minors. These measures reflect a broader societal shift toward affirming LGBTQ+ rights and promoting inclusive mental health practices.

Conversion Therapy Ban States 2024

Conversion Therapy Banned
AlabamaNo restrictions
AlaskaNo restrictions
ArizonaNo restrictions
ArkansasNo restrictions
CaliforniaBanned for minors
ColoradoBanned for minors
ConnecticutBanned for minors
DelawareBanned for minors
FloridaNo restrictions
GeorgiaNo restrictions
HawaiiBanned for minors
IdahoNo restrictions
IllinoisBanned for minors
IndianaNo restrictions
IowaNo restrictions
KansasNo restrictions
KentuckyNo restrictions
LouisianaNo restrictions
MaineBanned for minors
MarylandBanned for minors
MassachusettsBanned for minors
MichiganBanned for minors
MinnesotaBanned for minors
MississippiNo restrictions
MissouriNo restrictions
MontanaNo restrictions
NebraskaNo restrictions
NevadaBanned for minors
New HampshireBanned for minors
New JerseyBanned for minors
New MexicoBanned for minors
New YorkBanned for minors
North CarolinaBanned for minors
North DakotaBanned for minors
OhioNo restrictions
OklahomaNo restrictions
OregonBanned for minors
PennsylvaniaBanned for minors
Rhode IslandBanned for minors
South CarolinaNo restrictions
South DakotaNo restrictions
TennesseeNo restrictions
TexasNo restrictions
UtahBanned for minors
VermontBanned for minors
VirginiaBanned for minors
WashingtonBanned for minors
West VirginiaNo restrictions
WisconsinBanned for minors
WyomingNo restrictions
showing: 50 rows
