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Deer Farming Legal States 2024

Deer Farming Legal States 2024

While farms with cows, sheep, and pigs are more common, there are farms for other animals as well. Deer farms are less common but they are allowed in some states in the country.

Deer farms are legal in eighteen states with no permit required. These states are Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, and Vermont. It is also legal in Massachusetts, though as a limited venture.

While deer farms are legal in Kentucky, the white-tailed deer is normally a bane to farms because it eats plants and damages property. This means that deer would normally be kept on specialized farms.

There are many about 250 deer farms in Missouri, as deer farming popularity continues to grow within the state.

States That Require Deer Farming Licenses

Another group of states allows deer farming as long as the proper permit has been obtained. In California, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, West Virginia, and Wisconsin, a license is required to own and operate a deer farm. Each of these states has its own rules for licensing.

California allows only fallow deer to be kept on farms. Oregon also limits ownership to fallow deer and reindeer.

Colorado identifies deer as wildlife, so they require a license to own, just like any other wild animal.

States That Prohibit Deer Farming

It is illegal to keep deer as pets or farm animals in Alabama, Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Maryland, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming, and the District of Columbia.

Montana allows deer farms that were already in operation to continue, but will not allow any new deer farms. Virginia and Alabama both prohibit keeping deer as pets.

Deer Farming Legal States 2024

Deer Farming Legality
Alabama law prohibits keeping wild animals as pets
Arizona has banned traditional deer farms where private owners raise deer to hunt or sell byproducts...
CaliforniaLicense Required
Only fallow deer (Dama dama) may be possessed for deer farming purposes. Applicants must be at least...
ColoradoLicense Required
considered wildlife or alternative livestock and require a permit or license issued by United States...
District of ColumbiaIllegal
The Council of the District of Columbia is authorized to restrict, prohibit, regulate, and control h...
GeorgiaLicense Required
No person shall possess, buy, import, or transport farmed deer or engage in or carry on the business...
Whitetail deer are normally the foe of the Illinois farmer, eating plants and damaging property. But...
IndianaLicense Required
There are deer and elk farms in a number of Indiana locations, but the top 10 counties for deer and ...
landowner in Iowa is prohibited from keeping whitetail deer, odocoileus virginianus, unless kept as ...
KansasLicense Required
Raising or owning domesticated cervids requires a Domesticated Deer Permit (DDP) in Kansas.
Kentucky deer farmers are permitted and regulated by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture and the ...
LouisianaLicense Required
Any person who engages in owning, raising, selling, or harvesting imported exotic deer, antelope, el...
Maryland is one of three states that prohibit deer farming
deer farming is a limited venture in Massachusetts
Controlled breeding of white-tailed deer within a high-fenced enclosure may be allowed by permit at ...
The deer farming industry continues to grow in Missouri with more than 250 farms raising cervid live...
No new deer farms are allowed in Montana. Only those that were in business at the time of the 2000 i...
states it is illegal to have a cervid breeding facility in Nebraska
New HampshireIllegal
New JerseyLicense Required
Farmers may only apply with one application. “Occupant” Farmer Deer Permits are for the farmer and i...
New MexicoLegal
Only mule deers are legal to breed here
New YorkLicense Required
This license authorizes individuals to breed captive white-tailed deer and operate a commercial or p...
North CarolinaLegal
North DakotaLegal
OklahomaLicense Required
There are now 193 commercial deer breeders in Oklahoma. They are licensed by the state Department of...
OregonLicense Required
Persons holding fallow deer and reindeer under a Cervid Propagation License — Type 2 must register w...
Rhode IslandLicense Required
Special Permits may be issued to commercial operators only for control of deer in locations where th...
South CarolinaLicense Required
A person may not possess, buy, import, or transport farmed deer or engage in or carry on the busines...
South DakotaIllegal
private individuals are not allowed to own or keep deer in Virginia
It is unlawful to offer for sale, sell, purchase, or barter game-farm raised deer and elk,
West VirginiaLicense Required
West Virginia State Code mandates that farmed cervid facilities be licensed with the West Virginia D...
WisconsinLicense Required
By Wisconsin law, you may not move live farm-raised deer with​in Wisconsin unless the deer is: Accom...
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