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There are a lot of possible career paths available, and many people are interested in becoming an esthetician. An esthetician is someone who specializes in beauty. It is not unusual for an esthetician to specialize in a specific area. For example, an esthetician may focus on skincare. They may specialize in giving someone skin treatments, facials, and makeup applications.
There are lots of estheticians who also focus on hair care and hair removal. Because there are so many opportunities available in this field, many people are interested in becoming an esthetician. There are several specific training requirements that have to be met. There are standards of education and training in all fifty states. Connecticut was the last state to implement these standards in 2020.
In general, there are several common training requirements that have to be met. First, the vast majority of states require estheticians to be either 16 to 18 years old. There are some states that require estheticians to finish high school or get a GED. Many states require at least a tenth-grade education, but Michigan and Maryland require completing ninth grade while Connecticut, Illinois, and Oregon require at least the completion of eighth grade to become an esthetician.
There are no states that require an esthetician to have a college education, but it is possible for estheticians to waive some of the stricter requirements if they have a college degree. Therefore, there is some incentive for estheticians to go to college, depending on where they are located.
There are also practical training requirements that have to be met as well. For example, estheticians may have to train for a certain number of hours. This is usually done through training programs or apprenticeships. Some states offer both options, including Alaska, California, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, and Vermont. Some states require estheticians to complete both training hours and an apprenticeship. These states include Alabama, Hawaii, and Washington.
The majority of states require training programs that usually with certain hourly requirements. Six hundred hours is the most common length of a training program. These training programs will include study and hands-on practice. They differ from apprenticeships because apprentices are paid and receive on-the-job training. Most states also require estheticians to invest in continuing education to keep their skills sharp.
Yes, estheticians do have to renew their licenses. In general, estheticians have to renew their licenses once per year. There is usually another application fee that they need to pay along with this renewal. This is also where all of their continuing education requirements will be reviewed to make sure they have met the requirements to maintain their license.
It is possible that some estheticians might be grandfathered into an older set of requirements, but most states now require estheticians to renew their licenses annually. Some states may also require their estheticians to take another test when they renew their license, but this is something that is handled on a case-by-case basis. As long as estheticians do not have any complaints, they should not have any issues renewing their licenses.
State | Min Age | Min Education | Training Hours | Theory Exams | Practical Exams | CEUs |
Arizona | 23 | High school | 500 | Yes | Yes | Not Required |
Indiana | 18 | 10th grade | 700 | No | No | Not Required |
Montana | 18 | High school diploma | 650 | Yes | Yes | 15 CEUs |
Nevada | 18 | 10th grade | 900 | no | no | 30 cosmetology CEUs |
Rhode Island | 18 | High school diploma | 600 | Yes | Yes | Not Required |
South Dakota | 18 | High school diploma | 600 | Yes | Yes | Not Required |
Vermont | 18 | High school diploma | 600 | Yes | Yes | Not Required |
West Virginia | 18 | High school diploma | 600 | Yes | Yes | 4 CEUs per year |
Wisconsin | 18 | High school diploma | 1,550 | Yes | Yes | 1 CEU of laws governing the barbering and cosmetology professions and establishments; 3 CEUs of Safety, Sanitation, and Infection Control |
Alaska | 17 | High school | 350 | Yes | Yes | Not Required |
Georgia | 17 | 1,000 | Yes | Yes | 5 CEUs | |
Kansas | 17 | High school graduate | 1,000 | No | No | Not Required |
Maine | 17 | 10th grade | 600 | No | No | 14 CEUs |
Maryland | 17 | 9th grade | 600 | Yes | Yes | Not Required |
Massachusetts | 17 | 10th grade | 300 | Yes | Yes | Not Required |
Michigan | 17 | 9th grade | 400 | No | No | Not Required |
Mississippi | 17 | High school | 600 | Yes | Yes | 16 CEUs |
Missouri | 17 | 10th grade | 750 | Yes | Yes | Not Required |
Nebraska | 17 | High school diploma | 600 | Yes | No | 8 CEUs every 2 years |
New Jersey | 17 | High school diploma | 600 | Yes | Yes | Not Required |
New Mexico | 17 | High school | 600 | no | no | Not Required |
New York | 17 | 600 | Yes | Yes | Not Required | |
Texas | 17 | High school diploma | 750 | Yes | Yes | Speciality Operator License: 4 department-approved CEUs; Instructor License: 6 department-approved CEUs |
Utah | 17 | 600 | Yes | Yes | Not Required | |
Washington | 17 | 750 | Yes | Yes | Not Required | |
Idaho | 16.5 | 10th grade | 600 | Yes | Yes | Not Required |
Alabama | 16 | 10th grade | 1,000 | Yes | Yes | 8 hours |
Arkansas | 16 | 10th grade | 600 | Yes | Yes | Not Required |
California | 16 | 10th grade | 1,600 | Yes | Yes | Not Required |
Colorado | 16 | 600 | Yes | Yes | Not Required | |
Delaware | 16 | 1,500 | Yes | Yes | Not Required | |
Florida | 16 | High school diploma | 266 | Yes | No | 16 hours |
Hawaii | 16 | High school | 600 | No | No | Not Required |
Illinois | 16 | 8th grade | 750 | No | No | 14 CEUs |
Louisiana | 16 | 10th grade | 750 | No | No | Not Required |
Ohio | 16 | 10th grade | 750 | no | no | 8 CEUs |
Oklahoma | 16 | 10th grade | 600 | Yes | Yes | Not Required |
Oregon | 16 | 8th grade | 500 | Yes | Yes | Not Required |
Pennsylvania | 16 | 10th grade | 300 | Yes | Yes | Not Required |
South Carolina | 16 | 10th grade | 450 | Yes | Yes | 12 CEUs |
Tennessee | 16 | 750 | Yes | Yes | ||
Wyoming | 16 | 10th grade | 600 | Yes | Yes | Not Required |
Virginia | - | 600 | Yes | Yes | Not Required | |
Connecticut | 8th grade | 1,500 | No | No | 10 continuing credits | |
Iowa | High school diploma | 600 | Yes | No | 8 CEUs | |
Kentucky | 12th grade | 1,000 | No | No | Not Required | |
Minnesota | 12th grade | 600 | Yes | Yes | Not Required | |
New Hampshire | 12th grade | 600 | Yes | Yes | Not Required | |
North Carolina | 600 | Yes | Yes | 8 CEUs a year | ||
North Dakota | High school diploma | 600 | Yes | Yes | Not Required |