Open Primary States 2025

Primary Type
Alabama Flag
AlabamaOpen w/ NROpenOpenAll voters must choose one party's ballot to vote on, but they are not tied to that party. But voters who do not participate in either primary will only be given the amendments/referendum ballot.
Alaska Flag
AlaskaClosedOpen (Top-Four)ClosedVoters may vote for one candidate per race without consideration for political affiliation. This includes nonpartisan and undeclared.
Arizona Flag
ArizonaClosedOpen to UnaffiliatedClosedWhile party members may only vote on that ballot, unaffiliated voters may choose which ballot to vote on.
Arkansas Flag
ArkansasOpen w/ NROpen OpenEach voter will be able to choose which ballot they vote on, but they will be held to that party in the case of a run-off. Unaffiliated voters that decide not to participate in either party's primary will receive the amendments/referendum ballot only.
California Flag
CaliforniaClosedTop-TwoClosedAs of 2022, California is attempting a Top-Two system, where all registered voters receive one ballot regardless of party affiliation, and the top two move on to the general election.
Colorado Flag
ColoradoOpen w/ PROpenOpenColorado voters don't have to declare a party but must choose one party's ballot.
Connecticut Flag
ConnecticutClosedClosedClosedConnecticut voters must declare a party in advance to vote in that party's primary.
Delaware Flag
DelawareClosedClosedClosedDelaware voters must declare a party in advance to vote in that party's primary.
Florida Flag
FloridaClosedClosedClosedFlorida voters must declare a party in advance to vote in that party's primary.
Georgia Flag
GeorgiaOpen w/ NROpenOpenGeorgia voters don't have to declare a party but must choose one party's ballot.
Hawaii Flag
HawaiiClosedOpenClosedHawaii voters don't have to declare a party but must choose one party's ballot.
Idaho Flag
IdahoClosedClosedClosedVoters must be a member of a party to participate in the primary. Parties may or may not open primaries to unaffiliated voters.
Illinois Flag
IllinoisOpen w/ NROpen OpenIllinois voters do not have to register with a party, but they do have to choose one party's ballot to vote publically. The choice is legally considered a public declaration and can be challenged by other voters.
Indiana Flag
IndianaOpen w/ NROpenOpenWhile affiliation with a party is not required to vote in the primary, Indiana has laws of intent that impact your vote in the general election.
Iowa Flag
IowaOpen w/ PROpenOpenIowa voters must be registered with a party to vote in the primary.
Kansas Flag
KansasOpen w/ PROpenOpenWhile registered voters can participate in their party's primary, unaffiliated voters can declare their party the day of and vote on that ballot.
Kentucky Flag
KentuckyClosedClosedClosedKentucky party-affiliated voters can only vote in that party's primary.
Louisiana Flag
LouisianaClosedN/AClosedLouisiana holds no primaries. They list all candidates on a single ballot, and all registered voters may participate.
Maine Flag
MaineClosedSemi OpenClosedIn 2024, Maine voters can cast ballots in one party's primary without having to join that party.
Maryland Flag
MarylandClosedClosedClosedSix months before the primary, each party has to notify the State Board of Elections if they are opening or closing their primary as state laws permit them to choose.
Massachusetts Flag
MassachusettsOpen w/ PROpenOpenSix months before the primary, each party has to notify the State Board of Elections if they are opening or closing their primary as state laws permit them to choose.
Michigan Flag
MichiganOpen w/ NROpenOpenMichigan voters do not declare affiliation but must choose a party's ballot to vote on.
Minnesota Flag
MinnesotaOpen w/ NROpenOpenMinnesota voters do not declare affiliation but must choose a party's ballot to vote on.
Mississippi Flag
MississippiOpen w/ NROpenOpenMississippi voters do not declare affiliation, but they do have to choose a party's ballot to vote.
Missouri Flag
MissouriOpen w/ NROpenOpenMissouri voters do not declare affiliation, but they do have to choose a party's ballot to vote.
Montana Flag
MontanaOpen w/ NROpenOpenMontana voters do not declare affiliation, but they do have to choose a party's ballot to vote.
Nebraska Flag
NebraskaClosedClosedClosedVoters may or may not choose to affiliate with a political party. However, affiliation with a party is required to vote in certain primary elections.
Nevada Flag
NevadaClosedClosedClosedNevada voters must be registered in a party to participate in the primary.
New Hampshire Flag
New HampshireOpen w/ PROpenOpenNew Hampshire voters must be affiliated to participate in a party's primary, while unaffiliated voters may choose one party's ballot to vote on. But that action makes them a member of the chosen ballot's party.
New Jersey Flag
New JerseyClosedClosedClosedVoters must be a member of a party to participate in the primary.
New Mexico Flag
New MexicoClosedClosedClosedNew Mexican voters must be registered with a party in order to vote in a primary.
New York Flag
New YorkClosedClosedClosedVoters in New York must be a member of a party to participate in the primary.
North Carolina Flag
North CarolinaOpen w/ NROpenOpenWhile voters aren't required to declare a party, they are required to choose one party's ballot to vote on.
North Dakota Flag
North DakotaClosedOpenClosedAll candidates are listed on one ballot, which means party affiliation is not necessary to participate in the primary. Voters can only choose candidates from one party. (If they vote for more than one party, the ballot will be rejected.)
Ohio Flag
OhioOpen w/ NROpenOpenEach voter in Ohio chooses one party's ballot to vote on, and that choice determines their political affiliation.
Oklahoma Flag
OklahomaClosedClosedClosedVoters must be registered with a party to participate in their primary. In Oklahoma, Independent voters are allowed to participate in Democratic primaries, but not Republican.
Oregon Flag
OregonClosedClosedClosedOregon voters must be registered with a party to participate in the primary.
Pennsylvania Flag
PennsylvaniaClosedClosedClosedPennsylvania voters must be registered with a party to participate in the primary.
Rhode Island Flag
Rhode IslandOpen w/ PROpenOpenAll unaffiliated voters choose one party's ballot to cast their vote in the primary. This choice is viewed as a party declaration.
South Carolina Flag
South CarolinaOpen w/ NROpenOpenSouth Carolina voters do not declare affiliation, but they do have to choose a party's ballot to vote.
South Dakota Flag
South DakotaClosedClosedClosedVoters must be registered with a party to participate in their primary. In South Dakota, unaffiliated voters can participate in Democratic primaries without changing their status. This does not apply to Republican primaries.
Tennessee Flag
TennesseeOpen w/ NROpenOpenTennessee voters do not declare affiliation, but they do have to choose a party's ballot to vote.
Texas Flag
TexasOpen w/ NROpenOpenTexas voters do not declare affiliation, but they do have to choose a party's ballot to vote.
Utah Flag
UtahClosedClosedClosedVoters must be registered with a party to participate in their primary. In Utah, unaffiliated voters can participate in Democratic primaries without changing their status. This does not apply to Republican primaries.
Vermont Flag
VermontOpen w/ NROpenOpenVermont voters do not declare affiliation, but they do have to choose a party's ballot to vote.
Virginia Flag
VirginiaOpen w/ NROpenOpenVirginia voters do not declare affiliation, but they do have to choose a party's ballot to vote.
Washington Flag
WashingtonClosedOpenClosedEach voter receives the same primary ballot, using a top-two system, regardless of affiliation. The presidential primary, on the other hand, is closed.
West Virginia Flag
West VirginiaOpen w/ PROpenOpenIn West Virginia, parties decide who may participate in their primaries. As of 2022, both major parties allow unaffiliated voters to participate in their primaries. But party members must vote in their own primary.
Wisconsin Flag
WisconsinOpen w/ NROpenOpenWisconsin voters do not ahev to declare affiliation, but they do have to choose a party's ballot to vote. This choice does not change their affiliation.
Wyoming Flag
WyomingOpen w/ PROpenOpenWyoming's voters must register with a party to vote in that party's primary, while unaffiliated voters may register with a party at the polls to vote in that party's primary.