Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
62626 | Carlinville | 7,840 |
62088 | Staunton | 6,439 |
62033 | Gillespie | 4,628 |
62690 | Virden | 3,830 |
62014 | Bunker Hill | 3,749 |
62640 | Girard | 3,273 |
62069 | Mount Olive | 3,230 |
62009 | Benld | 1,713 |
62685 | Shipman | 1,692 |
62674 | Palmyra | 1,398 |
62630 | Chesterfield | 686 |
62667 | Modesto | 560 |
62093 | Wilsonville | 500 |
62079 | Piasa | 469 |
62649 | Hettick | 408 |
62085 | Sawyerville | 167 |
62023 | Eagarville | 150 |
62672 | Nilwood | 150 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 18 ZCTAs in Macoupin County, Illinois (US Census).