Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
62233 | Chester | 8,217 |
62286 | Sparta | 5,372 |
62288 | Steeleville | 2,701 |
62272 | Percy | 1,898 |
62242 | Evansville | 1,534 |
62277 | Prairie Du Rocher | 1,007 |
62241 | Ellis Grove | 900 |
62292 | Tilden | 824 |
62217 | Baldwin | 718 |
62297 | Walsh | 338 |
62261 | Modoc | 12 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 11 ZCTAs in Randolph County, Illinois (US Census).