Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
70072 | Marrero | 55,332 |
70065 | Kenner | 50,210 |
70056 | Gretna | 42,627 |
70058 | Harvey | 40,856 |
70003 | Metairie | 40,529 |
70001 | Metairie | 40,071 |
70094 | Westwego | 31,405 |
70123 | New Orleans | 27,633 |
70005 | Metairie | 23,555 |
70002 | Metairie | 19,195 |
70062 | Kenner | 16,930 |
70053 | Gretna | 16,743 |
70006 | Metairie | 15,379 |
70121 | New Orleans | 10,956 |
70067 | Lafitte | 3,075 |
70358 | Grand Isle | 903 |
70036 | Barataria | 772 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 17 ZCTAs in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana (US Census).