Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
84627 | Ephraim | 6,134 |
84647 | Mount Pleasant | 4,562 |
84634 | Gunnison | 3,658 |
84642 | Manti | 3,365 |
84629 | Fairview | 3,273 |
84646 | Moroni | 1,686 |
84662 | Spring City | 1,594 |
84632 | Fountain Green | 1,416 |
84622 | Centerfield | 1,372 |
84665 | Sterling | 616 |
84643 | Mayfield | 560 |
84630 | Fayette | 491 |
84667 | Wales | 415 |
84623 | Chester | 98 |
84621 | Axtell | 32 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 15 ZCTAs in Sanpete County, Utah (US Census).