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Countries Named After People 2024

What's in a name? The naming of a country is usually an act of honor. Countries' names often follow a regional description, a land feature, a tribal or cultural name, or an important figure, cleric, or conquerer.

There are roughly two dozen countries named after individuals.

Azerbaijan was named after the Persian nobleman Atropates, who served Alexander the Great. The name evolved into its current form. Slightly north, Georgia, a land-locked, Euro-Asian country in the Caucuses, honored Saint George. And Uzbekistan derives from, Öz Beg Khan, a Golden Horde ruler of the later 13th century.

Bolivia, formally the Bolivarian Republic, took the name of the region's famed military leader, Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad. His family name is Bolívar. Simon achieved independence from Spain for much of the region, including Venezuela, later named after the Italian city of Venice. Surrounded by Italy, the independent state of San Marino identifies with Saint Marinus.

Columbia, a South American country, was named after the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus. The 16th-century Mayan ruler, Birú, gave his name to Peru. In Central America, El Salvador honored Jesus, The Christian Savior. And, the eastern coastal country Nicaragua was named after Nicarao, a 16th-century indigenous chief.

The African King Mswati II was the source of the relatively new country of Estwatini's name. And Shaykh Mussa Bin Bique provided inspiration for the small Island of Mozambique. The Central African islands of São Tomé and Príncipe recognized Saint Thomas as their namesake.

In the Middle East, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a compound name after the Jordan River and Hashim ibn Abd Manaf, the great-grandfather of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. A House of Saud descendant, Saud Bin Muhammad, is the source of the name of Saudi Arabia.

There are many Pacific islands that take their names from dynamic figures. Mauritius derived its name from the royal Prince of Orange, Maurice of Nassau. While the Philippines honored King Philip II of Spain by taking his name. The South Pacific islands of Kiribati are a Gilbertese version of Thomas Gilbert's last name.

Another politician, John Marshall, gave his name to the Marshall Islands. The beautiful island country of the Seychelles took the sir name of Jean Moreau de Séchelles, a French politician in the mid-18th century.

In the Caribbean Sea, a handful of islands known to sailors as "the Saints" are all named after Christian Saints. These include Saint Kitts and Nevis for Saint Christopher, the Dominican Republic for Saint Dominic, and Saint Lucia honored Saint Lucy.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, part of the lower Leeward Islands, identified with Saint Vincent of Saragossa.

The name for the United States of America mirrors Amerigo Vespucci, an early 16th-century Italian explorer and the states of the 13 colonies.

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Person Honored
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AfghanistanTribal chief Prince Afghana
It is generally accepted that the prince inspired the country's name, although no formal documentati...
ArmeniaHayk Nahapet, Aram
Armenia's alternate name is Hayastan, inspired by the country's revered (and arguably legendary) pat...
Atropates (initially Atropatene in Ancient Greek), evolved to Azerbaijan in Persian. Atrophates was ...
One hypothesis traces the country name Bangladesh back to the Biblical character Bang, son of Hind, ...
Rus was one of three legendary Slavic brothers (Lech, Czech, and Rus) who founded Slavic cultures. R...
BermudaJuan de Bermúdez
Bermúdez was a Spanish sailor/navigator who discovered the islands in 1505. Unlike many "discovered"...
BoliviaSimón Bolívar
Bolívar was a Venezuelan military leader and politician, also know as El Libertador, who helped seve...
British Virgin IslandsSaint Ursula and the 11,000 virgins
Ursula is a Christian saint whose story is both sparse and appears highly mythologized. According to...
CambodiaSage Kambu Swayambhuva
The English name Cambodia was, in its original language, the Sanskrit name Kambojadeśa, which meant ...
ColombiaChristopher Columbus
The name Colombia was originally given to the entirety of the "New World" continent, which was "disc...
Cook IslandsCaptain James Cook
Cook was a British naval officer and cartographer who explored the Pacific region from eastern Austr...
Czech RepublicČech
Čech (also known as Czech) was one of three legendary Slavic brothers (Lech, Czech, and Rus) who fou...
DenmarkDan I of Denmark
Dan I is a legendary Danish ruler and ancestor of the Danish people. Whether the name Denmark/Danmar...
Djibouti means "Land of Tehuti" or "Land of Thoth", after Thoth, the Egyptian Moon God.
Dominican RepublicSaint Dominic
Saint Dominic was a Catholic priest who founded the Dominican Order, a Catholic group which later wo...
EgyptBiblical Mizraim
The Classical Quranic Arabic and modern official name of Egypt is "Miṣr" ("مِصر" in Arabic), a short...
El SalvadorJesus
El Salvador translates to "The Savior" and is a direct reference to Jesus Christ.
EswatiniKing Mswati II
King Mswati II ruled Eswatini from 1840 to 1868 and doubled the country's land area by incorporating...
Falkland IslandsAnthony Cary, 5th Viscount Falkland
Cary was a British politician and one-time Treasurer of the Navy, who sponsored the voyages of explo...
GeorgiaSaint George
Also known as George of Lydda, Saint George was a Greek-born Praetorian in the Roman army, who was s...
GibraltarTariq ibn Ziyad
Gibraltar is derived from the Arabic term جبل طارق (romanized: Jabal Ṭāriq), which translates to "Mo...
HungaryHunor (or Magyarország — Magor)
Hunor and Magor are mythical brothers and ancestors to the Huns and the Magyar people. Scholars are ...
IndiaBharata (two possible)
India's constitutionally designaed alternate name, Bhārat, is a shortened modernization of Bhāratava...
Éire, the Irish word for Ireland, is derived from the Old Irish word Ériu, the name of a goddess alt...
Isle of ManManannán mac Lir
In Irish and Manx mythology, Manannán mac Lir ("son of the sea") was a legendary warrior and the kin...
IsraelBiblical Jacob, also called Israel
The name Israel appears frequently in Jewish and Christian scripture. It is used as a name for the J...
Italus/Italos was a legendary king of the ancient Oenotrians, who once lived in what is now southern...
JordanHashim ibn Abd Manaf
While the name Jordan is inspired by the Jordan river, the country's formal name is the Hashemite Ki...
KiribatiThomas Gilbert
British sea captain Thomas Gilbert's name figures heavily in the middle Pacific. The island chain to...
LaosLava (possibly)
While the name Laos is a clear reference to the Lao/Laotian people, the etymology of the word Lao is...
Marshall IslandsJohn Marshall
Marshall was a British explorer who came upon what are now named the Marshall Islands while serving ...
MauritiusMaurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange
Maurice was the stadtholder of most of the Dutch Republic from 1585-ish to 1625. The island was give...
MontserratOur Lady of Montserrat (Virgin Mary)
Named by Christopher Columbus in 1493, in a roundabout tribute to the Virgin Mary—the Virgin of Mont...
MozambiqueMussa Bin Bique
Mussa Bin Bique was a wealthy merchant who ruled the Island of Mozambique prior to its takeover by P...
Nicaro (real name Macuilmiquiztli) was an indigenous chieftan who ruled over a portion of what is no...
Northern Mariana IslandsMariana of Austria
Mariana was Queen of Spain from 1649 to 1665, and remained an influential figure in the Spanish gove...
NorwayNór (possibly)
While the dominant theories hold that Norway's name is derived from ancient terms for "northern way"...
A local ruler, Birú lived near the Bay of San Miguel, Panama City, in the early 16th century. Anothe...
PhilippinesKing Philip II of Spain
Named by Spanish explorer Ruy López de Villalobos (or possibly his his captain Bernardo de la Torre)...
Poland's alternate name, Lechia, is named after Lech, one of three legendary Slavic brothers (Lech, ...
Romania's name is a documented reference to Rome, the capital city of Italy. However, Rome's name is...
Rus was one of three legendary Slavic brothers (Lech, Czech, and Rus) who founded Slavic cultures. R...
Saint Kitts and NevisSaint Christopher
The name San Cristóbal was given to one of the islands in the region (precisely which one is dispute...
Saint LuciaSaint Lucy
Named after Saint Lucy of Syracuse by either early Spanish explorers or French sailors who were ship...
Saint MartinMartin of Tours
Martin of Tours, also called Martin the Merciful, was a bishop in the French Catholic Church in the ...
Saint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Peter and Saint Michael
Saint Peter is arguably the most well-known of Jesus Christ's twelve apostles and is the patron sain...
Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesSaint Vincent of Saragossa
Saint Vincent's name comes courtesy of explorer Christopher Columbus, who landed on the island on Ja...
San MarinoSaint Marinus
Named after founder Saint Marinus, who established a monastic community in AD 301 on Monte Titano (w...
Sao Tome and PrincipeSaint Thomas, | The Prince of Portugal
Saint Thomas (São Tomé) was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. Meanwhile, Príncipe is a ref...
Saudi ArabiaSaud Bin Muhammad, | Abdulaziz bin Saud
Saudi Arabia's name translates to "The Saudi Arab Kingdom", a reference to the country's founder, Ab...
SeychellesJean Moreau de Séchelles
Séchelles was a French politician who served as France's Minister of Finance in the mid-1700s, the s...
Sint MaartenMartin of Tours
Martin of Tours, also called Martin the Merciful, was a bishop in the French Catholic Church in the ...
Solomon IslandsKing Solomon of Israel and Judah
The Solomon Islands were unofficially labeled as such shortly after Spanish explorer Álvaro de Menda...
SomaliaSamaale (possibly)
An undocumented but nevertheless popular theory holds that Somalia is named after Samaale, a histori...
United StatesAmerigo Vespucci
The country's formal name, the United States of America, is a direct reference to Italian explorer A...
United States Virgin Islands
Ursula is a Christian saint whose story is both sparse and appears highly mythologized. According to...
UzbekistanÖz Beg Khan, | Oghuz Khagan
The etymology of Uzbekistan's name is disputed. Some sources claim the name pays tribute to either O...
VenezuelaSimón Bolívar
Venezuela's formal name, The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, is a reference to Simón Bolívar. Boli...
Wallis and FutunaSamuel Wallis
Samuel Wallis was a British explorer who sailed past the islands in 1767, shortly after becoming the...
showing: 59 rows

Which countries are named after people?

There are 21 countries named after individuals: Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Columbia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Eswatini, Georgia, Jordan, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, San Marino, São Tomé and Príncipe, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, United States of America, and Uzbekistan.

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