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Stage 2 DTM


Stage 2 DTM Countries / DTM Stage 2 Countries 2024

High birth rates and decreasing death rates characterize countries in stage 2 of the Demographic Transition Model (DTM). Stage two is a transitional stage in which a country has moved beyond the pre-industrial stage (stage 1) and is beginning to transition into an industrialized nation. The death rate slows but the birth rate remains high, which results in a rapid natural increase (NI) of the population. Many of the world's least-developed countries are in stage two. Up to the 8th Century, all countries were within stage one.

Characteristics of Stage Two Countries:

  • High birth rates
  • Decreasing death rates
  • Rapidly rising population
  • Low development

Stage Two countries are most common in Africa and the Middle East.

What is the DTM system?

The Demographic Transition Model, commonly abbreviated as DTM, is a social/economic model that tracks and quantifies the stages of a country's progression from undeveloped (pre-industrial) to fully developed (post-industrial). The DTM enables social scientists to better monitor and anticipate a country's quality of life, level of technological achievement, and population growth or decline.

The Demographic Transition model is made up of five different stages, ranked 1 (least developed) to 5 (fully developed), which can often be identified by tracking changes in birth rate and death rates among the country's population (both of which decline at different times as a country progresses). DTM data can be used to predict geographical population trends, track changing social and economic trends, and better anticipate the needs of countries and their populations.

  • The Demographic Transition Model (DTM) shows how birth and death rate affect population.
  • Stage 2 of the DTM model is called the "early expanding/youthful stage and reflects the current stage in much of sub-Saharan Africa and parts of the Middle East, Oceania, and the Caribbean.
  • In Stage 2, the birth rate remains high but the death rate has begun to fall, which results in rapid population growth.

Frequently Asked Questions
