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Rate of Decline








Countries with Declining Population 2024


  • Eastern Europe experiences the most significant population decline, largely due to emigration, with Bulgaria, Lithuania, and Latvia facing over 20% reductions by 2050.

  • Japan's anticipated 16.3% population decrease by 2050 highlights a global trend, with low fertility rates and aging populations contributing significantly.

  • Efforts to address population decline focus on boosting birth rates and attracting emigrants back, as seen in countries like Portugal and Hungary.

Rate of Decline
2020 Pop
2050 Pop
Bulgaria22.5%6.9 million5.4 million
Lithuania22.1%2.7 million2.1 million
Latvia21.6%1.9 million1.5 million
Ukraine19.5%43.7 million35.2 million
Serbia18.9%8.7 million7.1 million
Bosnia and Herzegovina18.2%3.3 million2.7 million
Croatia18%4.1 million3.4 million
Moldova16.7%4 million3.4 million
Japan16.3%126.5 million105.8 million
Albania15.8%2.9 million2.4 million
Romania15.5%19.2 million16.3 million
Greece13.4%10.4 million9.0 million
Estonia12.7%1.3 million1.2 million
Hungary12.3%9.7 million8.5 million
Poland12%37.8 million33.3 million
Georgia11.8%4.0 million3.5 million
Portugal10.9%10.2 million9.1 million
North Macedonia10.9%2.1 million1.9 million
Cuba10.3%11.3 million10.2 million
Italy10.1%60.5 million54.4 million

Which countries have declining populations?

The countries in the world with declining populations are as follows: Bulgaria, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Moldova, Japan, Albania, Romania, Greece, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Georgia, Portugal, North Macedonia, Cuba, and Italy.

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