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Average Height by State 2024

Average Height by State 2024

The average height in the United States is 5 feet 4 inches (162.56 centimeters) for women and 5 feet 9 inches (175.26 centimeters) for men. This makes the United States the 40th tallest nation in the world.

Multiple factors contribute to one’s overall height. Genetics account for 60-80% of one’s height, and nutrition and exercise account for the remaining percentage. Childhood nutrition is believed to be a large factor in adult height. Race plays a large role in average heights in populations. White men (average height of 5 feet 10 inches) and black men (5 feet 9 inches) tend to be taller than Asian (5 feet 7 inches) and Hispanic (5 feet 7 inches) men. Alabama is one of the tallest states in the US and has a population that is 96% black or white.

To determine the average height in each of the 50 states, information as pulled from the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). This is an annual survey of more than 450,000 people conducted by the CDC to gather data about health and wellness in the United States, including health-related risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and the use of preventative services. The BRFSS tracks weight and obesity, healthy eating, physical activity, and height.

The tallest states based on average height for men and based on average height for women are different. The tallest women tend to be clustered in the northern plains states, with the tallest living in South Dakota. The tallest men live in Iowa and Alabama. The tallest states in the United States based on the average height for men (179 centimeters or above) are:

  • Alabama
  • Iowa

The tallest states in the United States based on the average height for women (164 centimeters or above) are:

  • North Dakota
  • Oregon
  • South Dakota
  • Utah
  • Wyoming

Hawaii has the shortest average height among both men and women. This can be attributed to the race factor previously mentioned. Hawaii’s population is less than one-third Black or white. Below is a table of each state’s average height for men and women. The data is self-reported; therefore, heights tend to be over-reported, about 2.7 centimeters for men (1 inch) and about 1.5 centimeters for women.

Average Height by State 2024

  • Data is self-reported, so it is not 100% correct. In 2016, men self-reported their heights an average of 2.3 centimeters, or nearly a full inch, above what their actual measurements showed. Women over-reported their height too, by about 1.5 centimeters.
Men Average Height (in)
Women Average Height (in)
Alabama5'10.75" or more5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
Alaska5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
Arizona5'10" – 5'10.75"Up to 5'4.17"
Arkansas5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
CaliforniaUp to 5'10"Up to 5'4.17"
Colorado5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
Connecticut5'10" – 5'10.75"Up to 5'4.17"
Delaware5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
Florida5'10" – 5'10.75"Up to 5'4.17"
Georgia5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
HawaiiUp to 5'10"Up to 5'4.17"
Idaho5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
Illinois5'10" – 5'10.75"
Indiana5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
Iowa5'10.75" or more5'4.57" or more
Kansas5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
Kentucky5'10.75" or more5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
Louisiana5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
Maine5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
Maryland5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
Massachusetts5'10" – 5'10.75"Up to 5'4.17"
Michigan5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
Minnesota5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.57" or more
Mississippi5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
Missouri5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
Montana5'10.75" or more5'4.57" or more
Nebraska5'10.75" or more5'4.57" or more
NevadaUp to 5'10"Up to 5'4.17"
New Hampshire5'10" – 5'10.75"Up to 5'4.17"
New JerseyUp to 5'10"Up to 5'4.17"
New MexicoUp to 5'10"Up to 5'4.17"
New YorkUp to 5'10"Up to 5'4.17"
North Carolina5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
North Dakota5'10.75" or more5'4.57" or more
Ohio5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
Oklahoma5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
Oregon5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.57" or more
Pennsylvania5'10" – 5'10.75"Up to 5'4.17"
Rhode Island5'10" – 5'10.75"Up to 5'4.17"
South Carolina5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
South Dakota5'10.75" or more5'4.57" or more
Tennessee5'10.75" or more5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
TexasUp to 5'10"Up to 5'4.17"
Utah5'10.75" or more5'4.57" or more
Vermont5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
Virginia5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
Washington5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
West Virginia5'10.75" or moreUp to 5'4.17"
Wisconsin5'10" – 5'10.75"5'4.17" – 5'4.57"
Wyoming5'10.75" or more5'4.57" or more
showing: 50 rows
