Marriage Age by State 2025

Marriage Age (w/ Parental Consent)
Marriage Age (no Parental Consent)
Additional Details
Delaware Flag
Delaware1818Younger parties may obtain license in case of pregnancy or birth of child.
Kentucky Flag
Kentucky1818Parental consent and/or permission of judge required.
Louisiana Flag
Ohio Flag
Ohio1818Parental consent and/or permission of judge required.
Rhode Island Flag
Rhode Island1818
West Virginia Flag
West Virginia1818
Arkansas Flag
Arkansas1718Younger parties may obtain license in case of pregnancy or birth of child.
Indiana Flag
Indiana1718Younger parties may obtain license in case of pregnancy or birth of child.
Nebraska Flag
New Hampshire Flag
New Hampshire1718Below age of consent parties need parental consent and permission of judge, no younger than 14 for males and 13 for females.
Oregon Flag
Oregon1718If a party has no parent residing within state, and one party has residence in state for six months, no permission required.
Washington Flag
Alabama Flag
Alabama1618Parental consent not required if minor was previously married.
Alaska Flag
Alaska1618Younger parties may marry with parental and judicial consent.
Arizona Flag
Colorado Flag
Connecticut Flag
Connecticut1618Younger parties may marry with parental and judicial consent.
District of Columbia Flag
District of Columbia1618Parental consent not required if minor was previously married.
Florida Flag
Florida1618Parental consent not required if minor was previously married. Also, younger parties may obtain license in case of pregnancy or birth of child.
Georgia Flag
Georgia1618Parental consent and/or permission of judge required.
Idaho Flag
Illinois Flag
Illinois1618Judicial consent may be given when parents refuse to consent.
Iowa Flag
Iowa1618Parental consent and/or permission of judge required.
Kansas Flag
Kansas1618Younger parties may marry with parental and judicial consent.
Maine Flag
Maryland Flag
Maryland1618Parties aged 16 or older need to provide age proof and consent in person. If a parent is ill, an affidavit from the incapacitated parent and a physician's affidavit are necessary
Michigan Flag
Minnesota Flag
Minnesota1618Parental consent and/or permission of judge required.
Montana Flag
Montana1618Parental consent and/or permission of judge required.
Nevada Flag
New Jersey Flag
New Jersey1618Younger parties may obtain license in case of pregnancy or birth of child.
New Mexico Flag
New Mexico1618Younger parties may obtain license in case of pregnancy or birth of child.
New York Flag
New York1618Below age of consent parties need parental consent and permission of judge, no younger than 14 for males and 13 for females.
North Carolina Flag
North Carolina1618
North Dakota Flag
North Dakota1618
Oklahoma Flag
Pennsylvania Flag
South Dakota Flag
South Dakota1618
Tennessee Flag
Texas Flag
Texas1618Parental consent and/or permission of judge required.
Utah Flag
Utah1618Parental consent not required if minor was previously married.
Vermont Flag
Vermont1618Parental consent and/or permission of judge required.
Virginia Flag
Virginia1618Parental consent not required if minor was previously married.
Wyoming Flag
South Carolina Flag
South Carolina1618
Wisconsin Flag
Hawaii Flag
Hawaii1518Parental consent and/or permission of judge required.
Missouri Flag
Massachusetts Flag
Massachusetts1418Parental consent and/or permission of judge required.
California Flag
California18No age limits.
Mississippi Flag
Mississippi17No age limits.