National Guard Benefits by State 2025

West Virginia
South Carolina
Schools Authorized
Per Semester (USD)
Per Year (USD)
Tution Waiver %
Alaska Flag
AlaskaBoth$5,687Up to $5,687 per semester or $3,791 per quarter for tuition and fees. Associate through doctoral degree plus certifications.
Colorado Flag
ColoradoBoth$5,000Up to $5,000 paid per semester/trimester/quarter. Cap of 132 semester hours or 8 calendar years, whichever is reached first. Associate through doctoral degree plus certifications.
Alabama Flag
AlabamaPublic Only$2,000Up to 18 credits per semester after FTA is applied. Reimbursement for in-state institutions other than University of Alaska with a cap of $2,000 for course, $1,500 for certificates. Associate through masters plus certifications.
Arizona Flag
ArizonaBoth$250Up to $250 per semester hour up to $5,250 per fiscal year (1 July to 30 June). Associate through doctoral degree plus certifications.
Arkansas Flag
ArkansasPublic Only100%100% tuition and fees after other state/federal funding are applied. Up to Bachelor’s degree only.
California Flag
CaliforniaBothDepending on type of school, the maximum 9-month award amount for an undergraduate is $12,500. Associate through doctoral degree plus certifications.
Connecticut Flag
ConnecticutPublic Only100%100% Tuition. Associate through master’s degree plus certifications.
Delaware Flag
DelawareBoth100%Up to the in-state tuition rate 100%. Associate through master’s degree plus certifications.
Florida Flag
FloridaBoth100%100% tuition. Associate through master’s degree plus certifications. Subject to availability of funds.
Georgia Flag
GeorgiaBoth100%100% tuition at state schools (or up to $2,174/sem. at other approved schools) for undergrad. Less than 100% for master’s and doctoral degrees and certifications. Georgia Hero Scholarship up to $2,000/year for 4 years.
Hawaii Flag
HawaiiPublic Only50%50% for tuition at university, 100% for community college/semester. Up to bachelor’s degree.
Idaho Flag
IdahoBoth$8,000Up to $8,000/Fiscal Year for E-6 and below, O-1 to O-3, and W1 to W-3 and up to $4,000 for E-7 and above, O-4 and above, and W4 and above. Up to $20K per Technical Program not covered with FTA. Associate through doctoral degree plus certifications.
Illinois Flag
IllinoisPublic Only100%100% tuition (max of 180 credit hours). Associate through doctoral degree plus certifications.
Indiana Flag
IndianaPublic Only100%Up to 100% Tuition (up to 15 SH) and certain fees after FTA is used. Associate through master’s degree.
Kansas Flag
KansasBoth100%100% tuition and required fees for 15 credit hours per semester. Capped at the highest public in-state rate. Associate through bachelor's degree plus certifications.
Kentucky Flag
KentuckyBoth100%Pays 100% in-state tuition at any KY public college. Participating private schools eligible, paid up to average cost of 4-year public college (currently $5,136 per semester), up to bachelor's degree.
Louisiana Flag
LouisianaPublic Only100%100% tuition (no fees). Associate through master’s degree.
Maine Flag
MainePublic Only100%100% tuition and academic fee free. Associate through master’s degree plus certifications.
Maryland Flag
MarylandBoth50%Up to 50% of tuition and fees for waiver and up to $750 or 50% of remaining balance after applying all other applicable benefits. Associate through master’s degree plus certifications.
Massachusetts Flag
MassachusettsPublic Only100%100% tuition and academic fee free. Associate through master’s degree plus certifications.
Michigan Flag
MichiganBoth$6,000$600 per SH, up to $6000/year undergraduate. Graduate and certifications up to $14,000/year.
Minnesota Flag
Mississippi Flag
MississippiBoth$2,500$2,500 per semester not to exceed $5,000/year at four-year schools. $1,100 per semester not to exceed $2,200/year at 2-year schools. Must use FTA first if eligible. Associate through master’s degree.
Missouri Flag
MissouriBothRate is the University of Missouri rate (currently $335.80 SH). Associate through master’s degree.
Montana Flag
MontanaPublic Only100%100% tuition. Associate through bachelor’s degree.
Nebraska Flag
NebraskaBoth100%100% tuition up to UNL base in-state rate for associates and bachelor’s degree, 50% of tuition for graduate and doctoral degrees.
Nevada Flag
NevadaPublic Only100%100% tuition. Associate through doctoral degree plus certifications.
New Hampshire Flag
New HampshirePublic Only100%100% tuition. Must use FTA first. Associate through doctoral degree plus certifications.
New Jersey Flag
New JerseyPublic Only100%100% tuition up to 16 credits per semester (undergraduate & graduate). Associate through doctoral degree plus certifications.
New Mexico Flag
New MexicoPublic Only100%Up to 100% tuition. 150 SHs or bachelor’s degree; whichever comes first. Associate through bachelor’s degree.
New York Flag
New YorkBoth100%100% of SUNY tuition rate. Associate through bachelor’s degree.
North Carolina Flag
North CarolinaBoth100%Only schools approved by the NC State Approving Agency are authorized. Benefits include up to 100% tuition and fees at NC Community Colleges and undergraduate degree at UNC (graduate and doctoral programs paid at undergraduate rate). Up to $3,000/year at NC private schools, certifications, and flight training. Based on funding availability.
North Dakota Flag
North DakotaBoth100%Private schools must agree to waive 25% of tuition. Benefits include up to 100% tuition. Rate capped at the highest rate of ND state school. Associate through doctoral degree plus certifications.
Ohio Flag
OhioBoth100%100% tuition for Ohio public schools. Private schools is average cost of public schools. Associate through bachelor’s degree.
Oklahoma Flag
OklahomaPublic Only100%100% tuition and fees at public in-state schools. Up to 18 credits per semester. Associate through master’s degree.
Oregon Flag
OregonPublic Only100%100% tuition and universal fees at public schools. $247/per credit at private schools. $1,000 book sti-pend/year. Must use FTA first. Associates through bachelor’s degree plus certifications.
Pennsylvania Flag
PennsylvaniaBoth100%100% tuition plus technology fee ($3,858/semester plus a $239 technology fee for full time students or $322 per credit and a $20 technology fee per credit for part time students. Associate through doctoral degree plus certifications.
Rhode Island Flag
Rhode IslandPublic Only100%100% tuition, five classes per semester at three state colleges. Associate through bachelor’s degree plus certifications.
West Virginia Flag
West VirginiaBoth$7,000Up to $7,000/year. Associate through master’s degree plus certifications.
South Carolina Flag
South CarolinaBoth$2,750$2,750 per semester, maximum of $5,500 per academic year not to exceed $22,000 or 130 credit hours throughout the SM’s lifetime. Funds may not exceed the cost of attendance when applied with all other grants and assistance. Associate through bachelor’s degree plus certifications.
South Dakota Flag
South DakotaPublic Only50%50% off tuition at six Board of Regents public schools. 83.5% off tuition at four SD Department of Education Technical Institutes. Associate through master’s degree plus certifications.
Tennessee Flag
TennesseeBoth100%100% tuition up to 120 credit hours for undergraduate, up to 40 credit hours for master’s degree.
Texas Flag
TexasBoth$4,500Up to $4,500 per semester for tuition and fees, up to 12 SHs. Can be used up to 10 semesters. Associate through doctoral degree.
Utah Flag
UtahBoth$6,000100%Two Programs; 100% waiver at public schools plus up to $1,000 for fees toward a bachelor’s degree. STA covers up $250/SH up to $6,000/year for tuition, up to $7,000 for STEM or Cyber including fees. Soldiers may use FTA for tuition and STA for fees if in a verified STEM-C program. Associate through doctoral degree plus certifications. Subject to the availability of funds.
Vermont Flag
VermontBothForgivable loan to any State School, or the amount the University of Vermont charges for in-state students to any Vermont Private School. Bachelors or 2nd bachelors through master’s degree.
Virginia Flag
VirginiaPublic Only100%100% tuition waiver, not to exceed 32 semester hours. Associate through doctoral degree.
Washington Flag
WashingtonBoth100%Up to 100% tuition and fees based on rate at the University of Washington, plus a $500 annual book stipend. Associate through master’s degree plus certifications.
Wisconsin Flag
WisconsinBoth100%Three programs. 100% tuition at any UW system school or Wisconsin Technical College up to 128 credits (associate through doctoral degree). $4,000 grant towards Wisconsin private schools (associate through doctoral degree). Up to UW Madison rate ($4,636) (associate through bachelor’s degree).
Wyoming Flag
WyomingBoth100%100% tuition and mandatory fees at public schools. $1,500/semester for private schools. Associate through doctoral degree plus certifications.