Open Carry States 2025

Legal Without a Permit
Legal With a Permit
Anomalous Open Carry
Open Carry Status
Minimum Age
Additional Details
Alabama Flag
AlabamaLegal Without a Permit18
Alaska Flag
AlaskaLegal Without a Permit21
Arizona Flag
ArizonaLegal Without a Permit18
Arkansas Flag
ArkansasLegal Without a Permit18
Delaware Flag
DelawareLegal Without a Permit18
Idaho Flag
IdahoLegal Without a Permit18
Indiana Flag
IndianaLegal Without a Permit18
Iowa Flag
IowaLegal Without a Permit21
Kansas Flag
KansasLegal Without a Permit18
Kentucky Flag
KentuckyLegal Without a Permit18
Louisiana Flag
LouisianaLegal Without a Permit18
Maine Flag
MaineLegal Without a Permit21
Mississippi Flag
MississippiLegal Without a Permit18
Montana Flag
MontanaLegal Without a Permit18
Nevada Flag
NevadaLegal Without a Permit18
New Hampshire Flag
New HampshireLegal Without a Permit18
New Mexico Flag
New MexicoLegal Without a Permit19
North Carolina Flag
North CarolinaLegal Without a Permit18Some localities can restrict where users are legally allowed to open carry. Such rules may differ from those in other localities
Ohio Flag
OhioLegal Without a Permit18
Oklahoma Flag
OklahomaLegal Without a Permit21
Pennsylvania Flag
PennsylvaniaLegal Without a Permit21Legal except in vehicles. Also, not permitted in Philadelphia
South Dakota Flag
South DakotaLegal Without a Permit18
Tennessee Flag
TennesseeLegal Without a Permit2118 for military
Texas Flag
TexasLegal Without a Permit21Weapon must be holstered
Utah Flag
UtahLegal Without a Permit21
Vermont Flag
VermontLegal Without a Permit18
Virginia Flag
VirginiaLegal Without a Permit18Some localities can restrict where users are legally allowed to open carry. Such rules may differ from those in other localities
Washington Flag
WashingtonLegal Without a Permit21Legal, except in vehicles.
West Virginia Flag
West VirginiaLegal Without a Permit18
Wisconsin Flag
WisconsinLegal Without a Permit18
Wyoming Flag
WyomingLegal Without a Permit18
Connecticut Flag
ConnecticutLegal With a Permit21Although technically legal, an appellate court has recognized that “depending on the specific circumstances, a person who openly carries a pistol conceivably may be subject to arrest for violating several statutes, . . . even if § 29–35 does not prohibit a permit holder from carrying a pistol openly.
Georgia Flag
GeorgiaLegal With a Permit2118 for military; Open carry is not addressed in the new constitutional carry bill
Hawaii Flag
HawaiiLegal With a Permit21Only valid in the county for which the permit was issued
Maryland Flag
MarylandLegal With a Permit2118 for employment purposes
Massachusetts Flag
MassachusettsLegal With a PermitOnly if individual has a current, valid Class B permit/license. No new class B licenses are being issued.
Minnesota Flag
MinnesotaLegal With a Permit21
New Jersey Flag
New JerseyLegal With a Permit21Open carry is not explicitly prohibited in New Jersey law.
North Dakota Flag
North DakotaLegal With a Permit18
Rhode Island Flag
Rhode IslandLegal With a Permit21Only with a permit issued by the Attorney General
South Carolina Flag
South CarolinaLegal With a Permit21
California Flag
CaliforniaIllegalIt is generally prohibited to carry a firearm openly in California. However, the sheriff of any county with a population under 200,000 people or the chief of police of a city within that county, may issue licenses to carry a loaded, exposed handgun. Such licenses are only valid in the county where they are issued.
District of Columbia Flag
District of ColumbiaIllegal
Florida Flag
FloridaIllegalOnly permitted when engaged in fishing, camping, lawful hunting or target practice at an indoor range.
Illinois Flag
New York Flag
New YorkIllegal
Colorado Flag
ColoradoAnomalous Open Carry18
Michigan Flag
MichiganAnomalous Open Carry18The gun must be registered in carrier's name. Non-residents must have a valid permit from a state that Michigan recognizes.
Missouri Flag
MissouriAnomalous Open Carry1918 for military
Nebraska Flag
NebraskaAnomalous Open Carry18
Oregon Flag
OregonAnomalous Open Carry18


  1. USCCA