Serval Cats Legal States 2025

Not legal
Legal w/ ownership permit
Legal w/ import permit
Legal w/ ownership and import permits
Serval Legality
Additional Details
Alaska Flag
AlaskaNot legal
Arizona Flag
ArizonaNot legal
California Flag
CaliforniaNot legal
Colorado Flag
ColoradoNot legal
Connecticut Flag
ConnecticutNot legal
Delaware Flag
DelawareNot legal
District of Columbia Flag
District of ColumbiaNot legal
Georgia Flag
GeorgiaNot legal
Hawaii Flag
HawaiiNot legal
Iowa Flag
IowaNot legal
Maryland Flag
MarylandNot legal
Massachusetts Flag
MassachusettsNot legal
Minnesota Flag
MinnesotaNot legal
Nebraska Flag
NebraskaNot legal
New Hampshire Flag
New HampshireNot legal
New Jersey Flag
New JerseyNot legal
New Mexico Flag
New MexicoNot legal
New York Flag
New YorkNot legal
Ohio Flag
OhioNot legal
Oregon Flag
OregonNot legalLegal only for USDA licensed breeders to keep as part as hybrid breeding programs, but not for private ownership
Rhode Island Flag
Rhode IslandNot legal
Utah Flag
UtahNot legal
Vermont Flag
VermontNot legal
Virginia Flag
VirginiaNot legal
Arkansas Flag
ArkansasLegal w/ ownership permit
Florida Flag
FloridaLegal w/ ownership permit- Annual Permit to Possess Class II Wildlife for Personal Use | - To obtain the Permit you must have 1,000 hours of logged experience working with servals and pass a facility/caging inspection.
Idaho Flag
IdahoLegal w/ ownership permit- Deleterious Exotics Possession Permit from the Idaho State Department of Agriculture | - For the Permit must prove you have significant knowledge of species health and handling and proof of appropriate containment facilities.
Indiana Flag
IndianaLegal w/ ownership permit- Annual Class II Wild Animal Possession permit | - In order to renew your permit for a pet servals in Indiana after the first year, you must provide proof your animal has been seen by a veterinarian, is properly vaccinated, and is being properly cared for at home.
Maine Flag
MaineLegal w/ ownership permit
North Dakota Flag
North DakotaLegal w/ ownership permit
Oklahoma Flag
OklahomaLegal w/ ownership permitPermit requirements: - A minimum of one hundred (100) hours of practical experience providing care for one or more felines from a Class III species. | - A letter from a licensed sanctuary or individual owner of a serval recommending you for a permit. | - Written plan for providing emergency and routine health care, including vaccinations, parasite control, dietary programs, and euthanasia protocol, as approved by a licensed veterinarian who has signed and dated the plan. | - Game warden must inspect potential living quarters.
Pennsylvania Flag
PennsylvaniaLegal w/ ownership permit
Wyoming Flag
WyomingLegal w/ ownership permit
Nevada Flag
NevadaLegal w/ ownership and import permitsCat must come from a USDA breeder
South Dakota Flag
South DakotaLegal w/ ownership and import permits- Must have appropriate facilities completed and inspected before submitting an application. | - A license must be obtained prior to obtaining animals.
Kansas Flag
KansasLegal w/ import permit
Kentucky Flag
KentuckyLegal w/ import permit
Mississippi Flag
MississippiLegal w/ import permitCat must come from a USDA breeder
Missouri Flag
MissouriLegal w/ import permitCat must come from a USDA breeder
Washington Flag
WashingtonLegal w/ import permitCat must come from a USDA breeder
Wisconsin Flag
WisconsinLegal w/ import permitCat must come from a USDA breeder
Alabama Flag
AlabamaLegalSome counties may require permit or implement other restrictions
Illinois Flag
IllinoisLegalIt is illegal to sell servals in Illinois
Louisiana Flag
LouisianaLegalSome counties may require permit
Michigan Flag
Montana Flag
North Carolina Flag
North CarolinaLegal
South Carolina Flag
South CarolinaLegal
Tennessee Flag
Texas Flag
TexasLegalSome counties may require permit
West Virginia Flag
West VirginiaLegal