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Less than 21 years

Smoking Age by State 2024

Smoking Age by State 2024

The tobacco landscape in the United States has undergone significant shifts in recent years, with smoking becoming increasingly less prevalent among the population. Public awareness campaigns, coupled with stringent regulations on smoking in public spaces, have contributed to a decline in the popularity of this habit. Despite these changes, smoking remains a prevalent issue, with tobacco-related illnesses continuing to pose significant health risks.

As part of efforts to combat smoking, many states have raised the minimum legal age for purchasing tobacco products. This move aims to deter young individuals from starting smoking at an early age, thereby reducing long-term tobacco use and associated health problems. Currently, the majority of states have set the legal smoking age at 21 years old. However, some states, such as Alaska, Arizona, and North Carolina, allow smoking at a younger age, typically less than 21 years old. This variation in smoking age regulations reflects ongoing debates and policy adjustments aimed at addressing the complex public health challenges posed by tobacco use.

Smoking Age by State 2024

  • The Minimum Legal Sales Age (MLSA) for tobacco products was raised from 18 to 21 years in 2019, rendering it illegal for retailers to sell tobacco products such as cigarettes, cigars, and e-cigarettes to anyone under 21.
  • Some states, but not all, have subsequently raised their own MLSA to 21 to match the federal guideline.
  • Although some states have not raised their MLSA, the federal guideline overrides state-level regulations.
Federal MLSA
Alabama2121 years
Alaska21Less than 21 years
Arizona21Less than 21 years
Arkansas2121 years
California2121 years
Colorado2121 years
Connecticut2121 years
Delaware2121 years
District of Columbia2121 years
Florida2121 years
Georgia2121 years
Hawaii2121 years
Idaho2121 years
Illinois2121 years
Indiana2121 years
Iowa2121 years
Kansas21Less than 21 years
Kentucky2121 years
Louisiana2121 years
Maine2121 years
Maryland2121 years
Massachusetts2121 years
Michigan2121 years
Minnesota2121 years
Mississippi21Less than 21 years
Missouri21Less than 21 years
Montana21Less than 21 years
Nebraska2121 years
Nevada2121 years
New Hampshire2121 years
New Jersey2121 years
New Mexico2121 years
New York2121 years
North Carolina21Less than 21 years
North Dakota2121 years
Ohio2121 years
Oklahoma2121 years
Oregon2121 years
Pennsylvania2121 years
Rhode Island2121 years
South Carolina21Less than 21 years
South Dakota2121 years
Tennessee2121 years
Texas2121 years
Utah2121 years
Vermont2121 years
Virginia2121 years
Washington2121 years
West Virginia21Less than 21 years
Wisconsin21Less than 21 years
Wyoming2121 years
showing: 51 rows
