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State Mottos 2024

State Mottos 2024

The mottos of all fifty states in the US are representative of what each state values the most. The purpose of each state motto is to give a voice to the individual states and show what the state believes at its core. The motto of each state is different from the slogan of the states.

State slogans are intended to welcome visitors and assist with tourism rates in the given states, whereas mottos are meant to paint a picture of the state and its principles.

Below, you will find each of the fifty US states as well as their respective state motto and abbreviation.


  • State motto: Audemus Jura Nostra Defendere
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: We Dare Maintain Our Rights


  • State motto: North to the Future
  • Language: English


  • State motto: Ditat Deus
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: God Enriches


  • State motto: Regnat Populus
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: The People Rule


  • State motto: Eureka
  • Language: Greek
  • Translation: I Found It


  • State motto: Nil Sine Numine
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: Nothing without Providence


  • State motto: Qui Transtulit Sustinet
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: He Who Transplanted Sustains


  • State motto: Liberty and Independence
  • Language: English


  • State motto: In God We Trust
  • Language: English


  • State motto: Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation
  • Language: English


  • State motto: Ua Mau ke Ea o ka Aina i ka Pono
  • Language: Hawaiian
  • Translation: The Life of the Land is Perpetuated in Righteousness


  • State motto: Esto Perpetua
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: Let It Be Perpetual


  • State motto: State Sovereignty, National Union
  • Language: English


  • State motto: The Crossroads of America
  • Language: English


  • State motto: Our Liberties We Prize and Our Rights We Will Maintain
  • Language: English


  • State motto: Ad Astra Per Aspera
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: To the Stars Through Difficulties


  • State motto: United We Stand, Divided We Fall
  • Language: English


  • State motto: Union, Justice, and Confidence
  • Language: English


  • State motto: Dirigo
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: I Direct


  • State motto: Fatti Maschi, Parole Femmine
  • Language: Italian
  • Translation: Manly Deeds, Womanly Words


  • State motto: Ense Petit Placidam Sub Libertate Quietem
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: By the Sword We Seek Peace, But Peace Only Under Liberty


  • State motto: Si Quaeris Peninsulam Amoenam Circumspice
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: If You Seek a Pleasant Peninsula, Look About You


  • State motto: L’etoile du Nord
  • Language: French
  • Translation: The Star of the North


  • State motto: Virtute et Armis
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: By Valor and Arms


  • State motto: Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: The Welfare of the People is the Highest Law


  • State motto: Oro Y Plata
  • Language: Spanish
  • Translation: Gold and Silver


  • State motto: Equality Before the Law
  • Language: English


  • State motto: All for Our Country
  • Language: English

New Hampshire

  • State motto: Live Free or Die
  • Language: English

New Jersey

  • State motto: Liberty and Prosperity
  • Language: English

New Mexico

  • State motto: Crescit Eundo
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: It Grows as It Goes

New York

  • State motto: Excelsior
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: Ever Upward

North Carolina

  • State motto: Esse Quam Videri
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: To Be, Rather than To Seem

North Dakota

  • State motto: Liberty and Union, Now and Forever, One and Inseparable
  • Language: English


  • State motto: With God, All Things are Possible
  • Language: English


  • State motto: Labor Omnia Vincit
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: Hard Work Conquers All Things


  • State motto: Alis Volat Propriis
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: She Flies with Her Own Wings


  • State motto: Virtue, Liberty, and Independence
  • Language: English

Rhode Island

  • State motto: Hope
  • Language: English

South Carolina

  • State motto: Dum Spiro Spero
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: While I Breathe, I Hope

South Dakota

  • State motto: Under God the People Rule
  • Language: English


  • State motto: Agriculture and Commerce
  • Language: English


  • State motto: Friendship
  • Language: English


  • State motto: Industry
  • Language: English


  • State motto: Stella Quarta Decima Fulgeat
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: May the Fourteenth Star Shine Bright


  • State motto: Sic Semper Tyrannis
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: Thus Always to Tyrants


  • State motto: Al-ki
  • Language: Chinook
  • Translation: By and By

West Virginia

  • State motto: Montani Semper Liberi
  • Language: Latin
  • Translation: Mountaineers are Always Free


  • State motto: Forward
  • Language: English


  • State motto: Equal Rights
  • Language: English

State Mottos 2024

State Mottos
Motto Language
Motto Translation
Additional Details
MontanaOro Y PlataSpanishGold and Silver
This motto is in tandem with Montana's state nickname, "The Treasure State," both named for the stat...
AlabamaAudemus Jura Nostra DefendereLatinWe Dare Maintain Our Rights
ArizonaDitat DeusLatinGod Enriches
ArkansasRegnat PopulusLatinThe People Rule
ColoradoNil Sine NumineLatinNothing without Providence
ConnecticutQui Transtulit SustinetLatinHe Who Transplanted Sustains
According to Connecticut's state government site, possible origins trace to the psalm "Thou hast bro...
District of ColumbiaJustitia OmnibusLatinJustice for All
IdahoEsto PerpetuaLatinLet It Be Perpetual
KansasAd Astra Per AsperaLatinTo the Stars Through Difficulties
This is aptly illustrated on the state seal, which depicts a farm below a sky of stars.
MaineDirigoLatinI Direct or I guide
MassachusettsEnse Petit Placidam Sub Libertate QuietemLatinBy the Sword We Seek Peace, But Peace Only Under Liberty
MichiganSi Quaeris Peninsulam Amoenam CircumspiceLatinIf You Seek a Pleasant Peninsula, Look About You
MississippiVirtute et ArmisLatinBy Valor and Arms
MissouriSalus Populi Suprema Lex EstoLatinThe Welfare of the People is the Highest Law
The exact translation has been debated but was originally intended to mean "Let the good of the peop...
New MexicoCrescit EundoLatinIt Grows as It Goes
New YorkExcelsiorLatinEver Upward
North CarolinaEsse Quam VideriLatinTo Be, Rather than To Seem
OklahomaLabor Omnia VincitLatinHard Work Conquers All Things
Only 38% of Oklahoma residents could identify the motto, a 2021 survey found. A 2012 Oklahoma House ...
OregonAlis Volat PropriisLatinShe Flies with Her Own Wings
South CarolinaAnimis Opibusque Parati; Dum Spiro SperoLatinPrepared in Mind and Resources; While I Breathe, I Hope
South Carolina has two state mottos that appear on the state seal in two ovals. The first is "Animis...
VermontStella Quarta Decima FulgeatLatinMay the Fourteenth Star Shine Bright
VirginiaSic Semper TyrannisLatinThus Always to Tyrants
West VirginiaMontani Semper LiberiLatinMountaineers are Always Free
A 2007 vote also established "Wild, Wonderful" as West Virginia's state slogan.
MarylandFatti Maschi, Parole FemmineItalianManly Deeds, Womanly Words
HawaiiUa Mau ke Ea o ka Aina i ka PonoHawaiianThe Life of the Land is Perpetuated in Righteousness
Hawaii's state motto comes from King Kamehameha III in 1843 and was uttered as the Hawaiian flag ros...
CaliforniaEurekaGreekI Found It
This has been California's state motto since 1963, but the word has appeared on the state seal since...
MinnesotaL’etoile du NordFrenchThe Star of the North
AlaskaNorth to the FutureEnglish
Chosen in 1967 during the Alaska Purchase Centennial to represent "Alaska as a land of promise."
DelawareLiberty and IndependenceEnglish
The state also adopted a tourist slogan in 2015, "Delaware: Endless Discoveries.
FloridaIn God We TrustEnglish
GeorgiaWisdom, Justice, and ModerationEnglish
IllinoisState Sovereignty, National UnionEnglish
IndianaThe Crossroads of AmericaEnglish
IowaOur Liberties We Prize and Our Rights We Will MaintainEnglish
KentuckyUnited We Stand, Divided We FallEnglish
It comes from "Liberty Song" by John Dickinson, a song from 1768 that Kentucky's first governor was ...
LouisianaUnion, Justice, and ConfidenceEnglish
NebraskaEquality Before the LawEnglish
NevadaAll for Our CountryEnglish
New HampshireLive Free or DieEnglish
Comes from a statement written by Revolutionary General John Stark
New JerseyLiberty and ProsperityEnglish
The state also voted on the slogan "New Jersey: Come See For Yourself" in 2006 to attract tourists
North DakotaLiberty and Union, Now and Forever, One and InseparableEnglish
According to, this was also the motto of the Dakota Territory, the unorganized states of Nort...
OhioWith God, All Things are PossibleEnglish
Ohio's state motto is "With God, All Things Are Possible," decided after a 12-year-old boy won a con...
PennsylvaniaVirtue, Liberty, and IndependenceEnglish
Rhode IslandHopeEnglish
The state also created the slogan "Rhode Island: Cooler and Warmer" in 2016 to garner tourists but q...
South DakotaUnder God the People RuleEnglish
The state also has a motto that accompanies its state flower, the American Pasque. According to the ...
TennesseeAgriculture and CommerceEnglish
Tennessee's state motto has been "Agriculture and Commerce" since 1801 because of the state's large ...
According to the Texas State Historical Association, the word was chosen in 1930 because the state n...
According to Utah History Encyclopedia, the motto became official in 1959 and was chosen because of ...
This was chosen in 1851 when the state seal and coat of arms were revised.
WyomingEqual RightsEnglish
The state is also nicknamed "Equality State," as it was the first territory in the U.S. to give wome...
WashingtonAl-kiChinookBy and By
Washington has a territorial motto, but it's never been formally adopted by the legislature, its sta...
showing: 51 rows
