Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
19901 | Dover | 39,097 |
19904 | Dover | 37,387 |
19977 | Smyrna | 26,204 |
19934 | Camden Wyoming | 14,566 |
19943 | Felton | 12,600 |
19962 | Magnolia | 12,277 |
19952 | Harrington | 10,602 |
19938 | Clayton | 9,240 |
19946 | Frederica | 5,497 |
19953 | Hartly | 4,972 |
19954 | Houston | 1,688 |
19964 | Marydel | 1,599 |
19979 | Viola | 541 |
19955 | Kenton | 384 |
19936 | Cheswold | 222 |
19980 | Woodside | 152 |
19902 | Dover Afb | 64 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 17 ZCTAs in Kent County, Delaware (US Census).