Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
68066 | Wahoo | 5,653 |
68003 | Ashland | 4,884 |
68073 | Yutan | 2,525 |
68017 | Ceresco | 2,355 |
68065 | Valparaiso | 1,235 |
68015 | Cedar Bluffs | 1,146 |
68041 | Mead | 968 |
68070 | Weston | 965 |
68050 | Prague | 616 |
68018 | Colon | 547 |
68040 | Malmo | 379 |
68033 | Ithaca | 273 |
68648 | Morse Bluff | 256 |
68042 | Memphis | 96 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 14 ZCTAs in Saunders County, Nebraska (US Census).