City | 2024 Pop. |
Santiago | 4,837,295 |
Puente Alto | 510,417 |
Antofagasta | 309,832 |
Vina del Mar | 294,551 |
Valparaiso | 282,448 |
Talcahuano | 252,968 |
San Bernardo | 249,858 |
Temuco | 238,129 |
Iquique | 227,499 |
Concepcion | 215,413 |
Rancagua | 212,695 |
La Pintana | 201,178 |
Talca | 197,479 |
Arica | 185,999 |
Coquimbo | 161,317 |
Puerto Montt | 160,054 |
La Serena | 154,521 |
Chillan | 150,396 |
Calama | 143,084 |
Osorno | 135,773 |
Valdivia | 133,419 |
Quilpue | 130,263 |
Copiapo | 129,280 |
Los Angeles | 125,430 |
Punta Arenas | 117,430 |
Lo Prado | 104,316 |
Curico | 102,438 |
Villa Alemana | 97,320 |
Coronel | 92,940 |
San Antonio | 85,651 |
Chiguayante | 82,545 |
Ovalle | 77,138 |
Linares | 69,535 |
Quillota | 67,779 |
Penaflor | 65,495 |
Melipilla | 63,100 |
San Felipe | 59,294 |
Los Andes | 56,859 |
Buin | 55,441 |
Talagante | 51,764 |
Lota | 49,763 |
Hacienda La Calera | 49,106 |
Tome | 46,698 |
Penco | 46,091 |
Coyhaique | 45,787 |
Vallenar | 44,895 |
Angol | 44,856 |
Rengo | 38,100 |
Constitucion | 37,917 |
Limache | 35,876 |
Santa Cruz | 33,283 |
Paine | 32,766 |
Villarrica | 31,602 |
San Carlos | 31,517 |
Cauquenes | 31,362 |
Curanilahue | 30,611 |
Las Animas | 30,000 |
Castro | 29,926 |
San Vicente de Tagua Tagua | 29,560 |
Lampa | 29,250 |
Molina | 28,775 |
Ancud | 28,020 |
Machali | 27,595 |
Pucon | 26,953 |
Parral | 26,904 |
La Union | 26,298 |
Puerto Varas | 24,958 |
La Ligua | 24,857 |
Arauco | 24,659 |
Victoria | 24,555 |
Tocopilla | 24,460 |
Graneros | 23,301 |
El Monte | 23,090 |
Illapel | 22,816 |
San Vicente | 22,572 |
San Javier | 22,427 |
Lebu | 22,345 |
Mulchen | 22,170 |
Quellon | 21,823 |
Lautaro | 21,579 |
Nacimiento | 21,220 |
Canete | 20,158 |
Puerto Natales | 20,000 |
Nueva Imperial | 18,777 |
Cabrero | 18,327 |
Diego de Almagro | 18,137 |
Chicureo Abajo | 18,000 |
Chimbarongo | 17,356 |
Puerto Aysen | 16,936 |
Cartagena | 16,875 |
Llaillay | 16,646 |
Laja | 16,550 |
Collipulli | 16,392 |
Panguipulli | 16,312 |
Loncoche | 15,590 |
Rio Bueno | 15,456 |
Villa Presidente Frei, Nunoa, Santiago, Chile | 15,000 |
Traiguen | 14,481 |
Monte Patria | 13,945 |
Pitrufquen | 13,743 |
San Clemente | 13,656 |
Purranque | 13,619 |
Vicuna | 13,496 |
Salamanca | 13,265 |
Bulnes | 12,715 |
Chonchi | 12,572 |
Calbuco | 12,490 |
Carahue | 11,875 |
Yumbel | 11,111 |
Taltal | 10,018 |
Vilcun | 9,241 |
Rauco | 8,566 |
Quirihue | 8,000 |
Freire | 7,813 |
Coihueco | 7,346 |
Teno | 6,858 |
Longavi | 6,325 |
As one of the most populous countries in the world, Chile has many bustling cities that contribute to the total population. Its largest city, Santiago, has a population of 4.8 million and is on track to surpass the five million milestone in the near future. While this is the only city that has exceeded one million residents, the country has many other cities that contribute to its high population. There are 26 Chilean cities that have at least 100,000 residents, while there are 83 that have a population above 10,000. Chile's cities are spread among 15 regions, which are then divided into 54 additional administrative divisions known as provinces. Each province is headed by a governor, all of whom are appointed by Chile's president.
The country of Chile has developed over the years, and the urban areas have expanded so that now, about 90% of the population reside in the country's cities. The remaining 10% live in urban areas, but given past declines and growth and expansion of cities, this number may continue to fall in the future. Chile's rich history and culture, industrial opportunities, attractions, historic landmarks and natural scenery contributes to national and international migration to the major cities of the country.
Chile has 1 cities with more than a million people, 26 cities with between 100,000 and 1 million people, and 83 cities with between 10,000 and 100,000 people. The largest city in Chile is Santiago, with a population of 4,837,295 people.