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Poorest Countries in North America 2024


  • While the U.S., the world's largest economy, recorded a GNI per capita of 64,140 USD in 2020, thirteen other North American countries had values below $10,000.

  • COVID-19 severely impacted eight of the poorest nations in North America that are reliant on tourism and agriculture, increasing unemployment and poverty.

  • Despite setbacks, several of the poorest countries, such as the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Grenada, have shown remarkable potential for economic recovery and growth.

North America is a continent located within the Northern and (with the arguable exception of a few remote islands) Western Hemispheres. As the third-largest continent on Earth (behind Asia and Africa), North America spans more than 9.54 million square miles (24.71 million square kilometers), comprising roughly 16.5% of Earth’s total land area and 4.8% of its total surface. Approximately 596 million people reside in North America, spread across 23 sovereign states and two dozen non-sovereign territories.

North America is home to the United States, whose 2020 GDP of approximately 21 trillion USD ranked as the largest economy in the world and constituted roughly one-fourth of the total global economy. While several North American countries are quite rich, the continent also includes some of the world's poorest countries. Gross national income (GNI) per capita is a popular metric that tracks the approximate average income of a country's residents—though not necessarily the standard of living in that country. The United States' GNI per capita was $64,140 USD in 2020. By comparison, thirteen other North American countries posted per capita GNI values lower than $10,000.

Poorest Countries in North America by GNI per capita (Atlas method, current US$) - World Bank

Atlas Method
El Salvador$4,720
Dominican Republic$9,050
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines$9,110
Saint Lucia$11,160
Costa Rica$12,670

Many of North America's poorest countries are highly vulnerable to natural disasters such as hurricanes, volcanos, and extreme weather (droughts, floods)—which climate change models predict will occur more frequently as global warming increases. These events can create significant economic turmoil by demolishing infrastructure and public works. They can disrupt such industries as tourism and agriculture (vital pillars of many Caribbean and Central American countries' economies) and strain public aid services to their breaking point.

The economic dependence of most Caribbean and Central American countries upon tourism and agriculture also made the COVID-19 pandemic tremendously disruptive. In most countries, pandemic-related lockdowns effectively eliminated tourism for months, and in many cases further prevented agricultural workers from harvesting and selling their crops. As a result, unemployment and poverty skyrocketed in many countries—often among population groups that were already struggling to remain above the poverty line.

Profiles of North America's poorest countries

1. Haiti

The poorest country in North America, Haiti is experiencing rapid population growth, which is outpacing the country's ability to provide for its citizens. In January of 2010, Haiti was hit by a devastating earthquake, the biggest natural disaster in the country’s history, and the recovery is ongoing. Haiti has had a long history of slavery, revolution, deforestation, corruption, debt, and violence—factors that have all contributed to its political instability, poverty, and poor infrastructure. The country ranked 170th out of 189 countries on the 2020 Human Development Index (HDI), and its growth is currently hindered by political instability and violence.

2. Nicaragua

Rural poverty is dominant in Nicaragua, the second-poorest country in North America. Factors contributing to the country’s high rate of poverty include natural disasters, political instability, and the lack of educational options. Frequent earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes often wipe out livestock, crops, schools, and homes, leaving families devastated. However, the underdeveloped economy is seeing growth in such areas as mining, manufacturing, and tourism, so the potential exists for Nicaragua to emerge from its poverty and provide a better quality of life for its citizens.

3. Honduras

More than 50% (and possibly as much as 66%) of Honduras’s roughly 10 million people live in poverty. Income inequality is also a significant problem, as is an ongoing lack of proper educational and health care systems. According to the World Bank, Honduran children will grow to be only 48% as productive as they could be if they had enjoyed complete education and full health. However, the Honduran economy has shown remarkable growth: its GDP quadrupled between 2000 and 2019. With the second-highest rate of growth among Latin American countries, it is evident that conditions in Honduras can improve.

4. El Salvador

The smallest country in Central America, El Salvador has a small elite population that became wealthy through the country’s coffee and sugar production. While a significant percentage of the population falls below the poverty line, that number gradually dropped from 39% in 2007 to 22.3% in 2019. Factors contributing to the country’s poverty include gangs and violence, a weak education system, and a high vulnerability to natural disasters (volcanos, earthquakes, floods, droughts, and tropical storms). However, the homicide rate fell from 103 per 100,000 people in 2015 to 20 per 100k in 2020. So, with additional government programs, El Salvador's situation could greatly improve.

5. Belize

The GDP of this small Central American country more than doubled from 2000 to 2019. However, since a rapidly growing tourism industry played a huge role in that growth, the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 led to a crushing economic contraction when it shut down tourism for several months. While the tourism sector looks to recover quickly in the coming years, massive income inequality and the country's significant foreign debt remain areas of concern.

6. Guatemala

Guatemala has the largest economy in Central America, but nearly half of its 18 million citizens live below the poverty line and the country has the fourth-highest rate of chronic malnutrition in the world. Guatemala’s poverty has formed a sort of vicious cycle. The people are so poor that the government cannot collect enough revenue through taxes to improve infrastructure, public health and educational facilities, and other basic services (such as clean water). This, in turn, hinders economic growth that would help lift the people out of poverty and increase tax revenues. Guatemala is, nevertheless, expected to recover quickly from the COVID-19 pandemic, while continued investment in its citizens could improve its future outlook.

7. Jamaica

The largest and most populous English-speaking country in the Caribbean, Jamaica is also one of the poorest countries in North America despite being considered an upper-middle-income country by the World Bank. Jamaica’s economy is characterized by instability, slow growth, high inflation, and burdensome public debt. It is further weakened by vulnerability to natural disasters such as hurricanes and flooding, which can wreak havoc in several sectors of the economy (tourism, agriculture) and disrupt public services.

Jamaica is plagued with gang violence and high unemployment rates. The country also spends about half of its income on imported goods for basic necessities such as gasoline and food, increasing its deficit. However, an ambitious budget reform program launched in 2013 has resulted in massive reductions in both public debt and unemployment.

8. Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is in a much better financial state than its neighbor Haiti, with which it shares an island. Still, as the 8th poorest country in North America, it clearly has some distance to go. The Dominican Republic has seen significant economic growth over the past two decades, with a GDP that improved from 24 billion USD in 2000 to nearly 89 billion in 2019.

Prior to COVID-19 pandemic, the DR was on track to become a [high-income country] by 2030, thanks to sound fiscal policies and strong growth in such areas as tourism, mining, and telecommunications. However, the health crisis triggered a significant contraction in the country's economy, reversing much of its progress. Moving forward, the DR must work to manage its debt while also expanding public services, mitigating climate change, addressing population growth, and propping up a long-neglected agricultural sector.

9. Dominica

This diminutive island country continues to feel the impact of 2017's Hurricane Maria, which wiped out nearly 90% of Dominica's infrastructure. The cost of rebuilding the electrical grid, public water services, and other utilities is straining the country's public resources budget, leaving little to spend on enhancements to the medical and educational sectors. Dominica's economy is heavily dependent upon the export of bananas, its only major crop, which leaves the country particularly vulnerable to fluctuations in growing conditions and the banana trade.

10. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

This Caribbean island country has high rates of poverty, unemployment, and underemployment due to trade difficulty. Like Dominica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has an economy which is primarily reliant on the growth and export of bananas. Thus, diversification and expansion of the economy would greatly help stabilize the country's economy and cash flow.

In addition to weathering the COVID-19 pandemic, Saint Vincent had to endure the April 2021 eruption of La Soufrière volcano, which devastated the island's infrastructure and banana groves, causing damage equal to 23% of the country's 2021 GDP. The blast also displaced more than 20,000 people, some of whom lived in shelters for months.

11. Mexico

The third-largest country in North America, Mexico boasts an area of nearly two million square kilometers (approx. 760,000 square miles) and a 2022 population of more than 131 million people. Mexico's economy is vast but has been stagnant for some time, seeing only minimal growth despite Mexico being one of the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) countries since 1994.

However, the World Bank believes the country has an opportunity to improve its economic standing by supporting new businesses, striving to assist and include women and migrants—two groups that are frequently marginalized in the current economy—and establishing protections against climate change and natural disasters.

12. Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia’s poor infrastructure leaves many people without electricity, safe water, and usable roads. This constrains people’s access to education, health care, and to other communities, which in turn limits the industries in which they can find employment. One industry upon which the country is quite reliant, tourism, was very negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, a setback from which the country is not projected to fully recover until 2024-25.

Saint Lucia is also ill-prepared to guard against natural disasters, which tend to have a disproportionately harmful impact upon the poor. Moreover, the financial constraints of the Saint Lucian government often limit its capacity to adequately support those facing poverty. Economic expansion is the key to alleviating poverty in Saint Lucia, specifically growing the agriculture and light manufacturing industries.

13. Grenada

With an economy based largely upon tourism, the three-island Caribbean country of Grenada is yet another nation whose GDP fell precipitously during the pandemic-related lockdowns of 2020. The health crisis proved devastating to Grenada, and some sources had estimated that the country would reach 48% unemployment during its height. However, Grenada's unemployment peaked at 21.62% in 2020 and fell to 20.97% in 2021. Grenada's second major industry, agriculture, is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, such as drought, pests, changing growing conditions, and natural disasters. In more positive news, the country has managed to pay down a good portion of its national debt in recent years.


The main source of data used in this article - the World Bank - provides comprehensive yet not exhaustive or definitive data on North American countries. Thus, reports on some countries must rely on expert estimates.

  • GNI per capita is gross national income (GNI) divided by mid-year population. GNI is the gross domestic product (GDP) plus net primary income from abroad. GDP is the sum of the value of all goods and services rendered by a country's residents.
  • PPP GNI is gross national income converted to international dollars using purchasing power parity rates. An international dollar is a theoretical monetary unit that has the same purchasing power over GNI as a U.S. dollar in the United States.
Per Capita (IMF '24)
Per Capita (UN '21)
PPP (int)
Atlas Method
El Salvador$5,524$5,079$10,460$4,720
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines$10,879$9,131$16,810$9,110
Dominican Republic$11,138$9,930$21,910$9,050
Saint Lucia$14,281$11,975$17,110$11,160
Costa Rica$18,308$13,033$22,820$12,670
Trinidad and Tobago$18,440$19,538$27,040$16,330
Antigua and Barbuda$22,433$18,670$24,500$18,280
Saint Kitts and Nevis$23,701$20,466$32,180$19,730
Puerto Rico$36,026$34,702$27,830$24,560
United States$84,201$75,316$77,530$76,370
Cayman Islands$89,878$55,720$65,190
Turks and Caicos Islands$24,527$22,860$24,160
Sint Maarten$35,500$35,230$31,500
British Virgin Islands$46,319
showing: 34 rows

What is the poorest country in North America?

Based on the country's GNI per capita, the World Bank has ranked Haiti as the poorest country in North America, as of 2020.

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