Top 5 Most Populous Counties
36 Counties
County | 2025 Pop. ↓ | Area (mi²) | Density | Change (2020) |
Multnomah County | 779,968 | 431 | 1,810 | -4.48% |
Washington County | 596,423 | 724 | 824 | -0.78% |
Clackamas County | 423,283 | 1,871 | 226 | 0.19% |
Lane County | 379,181 | 4,554 | 83 | -1.08% |
Marion County | 346,785 | 1,181 | 294 | 0.13% |
Jackson County | 218,966 | 2,783 | 79 | -2.08% |
Deschutes County | 212,573 | 3,018 | 70 | 6.57% |
Linn County | 133,244 | 2,290 | 58 | 3.31% |
Douglas County | 112,725 | 5,036 | 22 | 1.28% |
Yamhill County | 109,208 | 716 | 153 | 1.17% |
Benton County | 97,817 | 675 | 145 | 2.73% |
Polk County | 90,229 | 741 | 122 | 2.58% |
Josephine County | 87,863 | 1,639 | 54 | -0.42% |
Umatilla County | 79,637 | 3,215 | 25 | -0.59% |
Klamath County | 69,629 | 5,950 | 12 | 0.11% |
Coos County | 62,790 | 1,596 | 39 | -3.37% |
Columbia County | 54,426 | 659 | 83 | 3.23% |
Lincoln County | 50,959 | 981 | 52 | 0.89% |
Clatsop County | 40,002 | 828 | 48 | -2.82% |
Malheur County | 32,416 | 9,888 | 3 | 2.45% |
Crook County | 28,102 | 2,979 | 9 | 12.73% |
Tillamook County | 27,209 | 1,103 | 25 | -0.92% |
Wasco County | 25,889 | 2,381 | 11 | -2.82% |
Jefferson County | 25,714 | 1,782 | 14 | 4.61% |
Union County | 25,502 | 2,037 | 13 | -2.56% |
Hood River County | 23,165 | 522 | 44 | -3.33% |
Curry County | 22,662 | 1,628 | 14 | -3.64% |
Baker County | 16,862 | 3,068 | 5 | 0.78% |
Morrow County | 12,322 | 2,031 | 6 | 0.83% |
Lake County | 8,133 | 8,139 | 1 | -0.48% |
Wallowa County | 7,722 | 3,146 | 2 | 4.27% |
Harney County | 7,256 | 10,134 | 1 | -3.34% |
Grant County | 7,195 | 4,528 | 2 | -0.62% |
Gilliam County | 2,062 | 1,205 | 2 | 2.28% |
Sherman County | 1,959 | 824 | 2 | 4.7% |
Wheeler County | 1,438 | 1,716 | 1 | -1.1% |
There are 36 counties in Oregon.
The most populous county in Oregon is Multnomah County, home of Portland, with a population of 811,880. This represents population growth of 10.12% since the 2010 census.
After Multnomah County are:
These are the only counties with a population of more than 200,000. Of these counties, Washington County experienced the most dramatic population growth of 12.42% since the census.
The least populous county in Oregon is Wheeler County with 1,366 residents, a decline of 5.60% since the census. There are seven counties in Oregon with a population below 10,000.
Other small counties in Oregon include:
Of these counties, only three have experienced positive or neutral growth. Wheeler County experienced the most dramatic decline.
Deschutes County experienced the most rapid growth in the state since the census, growing 21.71% to 191,996 residents.
Other counties that have experienced substantial growth include:
Only six counties experienced decline since the census. The most significant declines were: