Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
51503 | Council Bluffs | 37,081 |
51501 | Council Bluffs | 35,400 |
51510 | Carter Lake | 3,780 |
51560 | Oakland | 2,035 |
51559 | Neola | 2,000 |
51576 | Underwood | 1,960 |
51521 | Avoca | 1,857 |
51575 | Treynor | 1,663 |
51526 | Crescent | 1,560 |
51577 | Walnut | 1,326 |
51553 | Minden | 1,100 |
51525 | Carson | 1,003 |
51542 | Honey Creek | 950 |
51548 | McClelland | 509 |
51536 | Hancock | 418 |
51549 | Macedonia | 394 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 16 ZCTAs in Pottawattamie County, Iowa (US Census).