Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
3743 | Claremont | 13,647 |
3773 | Newport | 7,758 |
3603 | Charlestown | 5,218 |
3753 | Grantham | 3,407 |
3782 | Sunapee | 3,074 |
3745 | Cornish | 1,914 |
3781 | Plainfield | 1,840 |
3280 | Washington | 1,097 |
3752 | Goshen | 1,077 |
3605 | Lempster | 934 |
3284 | Springfield | 798 |
3770 | Meriden | 638 |
3601 | Acworth | 478 |
3751 | Georges Mills | 374 |
3607 | South Acworth | 320 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 15 ZCTAs in Sullivan County, New Hampshire (US Census).