Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
3766 | Lebanon | 10,334 |
3755 | Hanover | 10,170 |
3264 | Plymouth | 6,917 |
3561 | Littleton | 6,021 |
3222 | Bristol | 5,894 |
3748 | Enfield | 4,547 |
3784 | West Lebanon | 4,181 |
3741 | Canaan | 4,164 |
3223 | Campton | 3,380 |
3285 | Thornton | 2,715 |
3585 | Lisbon | 2,557 |
3574 | Bethlehem | 2,528 |
3217 | Ashland | 2,239 |
3785 | Woodsville | 2,154 |
3245 | Holderness | 2,125 |
3266 | Rumney | 1,929 |
3774 | North Haverhill | 1,770 |
3768 | Lyme | 1,684 |
3251 | Lincoln | 1,474 |
3580 | Franconia | 1,425 |
3777 | Orford | 1,313 |
3240 | Grafton | 1,200 |
3262 | North Woodstock | 1,194 |
3241 | Hebron | 1,144 |
3282 | Wentworth | 1,083 |
3740 | Bath | 1,077 |
3750 | Etna | 1,035 |
3771 | Monroe | 856 |
3779 | Piermont | 849 |
3279 | Warren | 763 |
3780 | Pike | 637 |
3586 | Sugar Hill | 633 |
3765 | Haverhill | 469 |
3215 | Waterville Valley | 248 |
3238 | Glencliff | 81 |
3293 | Woodstock | 57 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 36 ZCTAs in Grafton County, New Hampshire (US Census).