Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
3820 | Dover | 32,925 |
3867 | Rochester | 22,349 |
3824 | Durham | 15,073 |
3878 | Somersworth | 12,088 |
3825 | Barrington | 9,339 |
3835 | Farmington | 6,777 |
3868 | Rochester | 6,368 |
3861 | Lee | 4,547 |
3884 | Strafford | 4,261 |
3851 | Milton | 4,195 |
3839 | Rochester | 3,856 |
3855 | New Durham | 2,711 |
3869 | Rollinsford | 2,427 |
3823 | Madbury | 2,213 |
3887 | Union | 1,954 |
3852 | Milton Mills | 314 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 16 ZCTAs in Strafford County, New Hampshire (US Census).