Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
28659 | North Wilkesboro | 21,460 |
28697 | Wilkesboro | 13,751 |
28651 | Millers Creek | 5,103 |
28635 | Hays | 3,346 |
28654 | Moravian Falls | 3,142 |
28665 | Purlear | 2,780 |
28669 | Roaring River | 2,662 |
28670 | Ronda | 2,451 |
28685 | Traphill | 2,038 |
28606 | Boomer | 1,666 |
28649 | McGrady | 1,429 |
28624 | Ferguson | 1,350 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 12 ZCTAs in Wilkes County, North Carolina (US Census).