Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
5201 | Bennington | 14,901 |
5255 | Manchester Center | 4,100 |
5250 | Arlington | 3,865 |
5257 | North Bennington | 3,022 |
5261 | Pownal | 2,354 |
5262 | Shaftsbury | 1,949 |
5251 | Dorset | 1,330 |
5352 | Stamford | 987 |
5350 | Readsboro | 765 |
5340 | Bondville | 748 |
5252 | East Arlington | 627 |
5253 | East Dorset | 588 |
5152 | Peru | 444 |
5254 | Manchester | 439 |
5776 | West Rupert | 346 |
5260 | North Pownal | 263 |
5768 | Rupert | 41 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 17 ZCTAs in Bennington County, Vermont (US Census).