First Human Settlements by Country 2025

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CE 874 / 1,076 BP

CE 1462 / 488 BP

CE 1250 / 700 BP

9,000 BP

Date First Settlement Established
Additional First Settlement Details
IcelandCE 874 / 1,076 BPIngólfr Arnarson , the first known Norse settler, built his homestead in Reykjavík this year, though Norse or Hiberno-Scottish monks might have arrived up to two hundred years earlier.
Cape VerdeCE 1462 / 488 BPSettlers from Portugal.
New ZealandCE 1250 / 700 BPThough some researchers suggest settlements as early as 50–150 AD, that later went extinct, it is generally accepted that the islands were permanently settled by Eastern Polynesians (the ancestors of the Māori ) who arrived about 1250–1300 AD.
DR Congo90Semliki harpoon heads carved from bone.
Cambodia9,000 BPLaang Spean cave in the Stung Sangker River valley, Battambang Province.
Libya80–65Fragments of two human mandibles discovered in 1953.
China80Bones found in a cave near Beijing in 1958 have been radiocarbon dated at between 39-42,000 years old.
Tuvalu8,000 BPEvidence of fire in a submerged cave last accessible 8000 BP.
Indonesia73–63Early humans travelled by sea and spread from mainland Asia eastward to New Guinea and Australia.
Sri Lanka70–66The earliest remains of anatomically modern man, based on radiocarbon dating of charcoal, have been found in the Fa Hien Cave in western Sri Lanka.
Malta7,250 BPSettlers from Sicily brought agriculture and impressed ware pottery.
Philippines67Archaeologists, Dr. Armand Mijares with Dr. Phil Piper found bones in a cave near Peñablanca, Cagayan in 2010 have been dated as ca. 67,000 years old. It's the earliest human fossil ever found in Asia-Pacific.
Australia65–50The oldest human skeletal remains are the 40,000-year-old Lake Mungo remains in New South Wales, but human ornaments discovered at Devil's Lair in Western Australia have been dated to 48,000 BP. Ochre fragments at Malakunanja II in Northern Territory are dated to ca. 45,000 BP.
Puerto Rico6,000 BPCarbon dating of burial site.
Brazil56–41Charcoal from the oldest layers yielded dates of 41,000-56,000 BP.
Egypt50–80Skeleton of 8-10 year old child discovered in 1994.
Japan47Genetic research indicates arrival of humans in Japan by 37,000 BP. Archeological remains at the Tategahana Paleolithic Site at Lake Nojiri have been dated as early as 47,000 BP.
Malaysia46-34A human skull in Sarawak, Borneo, has been dated to ca. 34-46,000 years ago. (Archeologists have claimed a much earlier date for stone tools found in the Mansuli valley, near Lahad Datu in Sabah , but precise dating analysis has not yet been published.)
Laos46In 2009 an ancient skull was recovered from a cave in the Annamite Mountains in northern Laos which is at least 46,000 years old, making it the oldest modern human fossil found to date in Southeast Asia.
Italy45–44Two baby teeth discovered in Apulia in 1964 are the earliest modern human remains yet found in Europe.
United Kingdom44–41Human jaw fragment found in Torquay, Devon in 1927.
Germany43–42Three Paleolithic flutes belonging to the early Aurignacian , which is associated with the assumed earliest presence of Homo sapiens in Europe ( Cro-Magnon ). It is the oldest example of prehistoric music .
Romania42–38Bones dated as 38–42,000 years old are among the oldest human remains found in Europe.
Canada40–25Human-worked mammoth bone flakes found at Bluefish Caves, Yukon, are much older than the stone tools and animal remains at Haida Gwaii in British Columbia (10-12,000 BP) and indicate the earliest known human settlement in North America .
Greenland4,000 BPSaqqaq culture was the first of several waves of settlement from northern Canada and from Scandinavia.
India385–250Recent finds of stone tools in Jwalapuram before and after the Toba supereruption , may have been made by modern humans, but this is disputed.
Morocco379–254Anatomically modern human remains of uncertain date, 90-190,000 years old.
Bermuda1815Settled by English survivors of the Sea Venture shipwreck, led by George Somers.
Falkland Islands1764Settled by French during the expedition of Louis Antoine de Bougainville.
France32The cave paintings in the Chauvet Cave in southern France have been called the earliest known cave art, though the dating is uncertain.
Czech Republic31Oldest human bones that clearly represent a human settlement in Europe.
Taiwan30–20Chipped stone tool similar to those of the Changpin culture on the east coast.
Poland30A boomerang made from mammoth tusk.
Tonga3,180 BPRadiocarbon dating of a shell found at the site dates the occupation at 3180±100 BP.
Fiji3,000 BPRadiocarbon dating of a shell midden at Bourewa on Viti Levu Island shows earliest inhabitation at 1220-970 BC.
Vanuatu3,000 BPLapita pottery found at Teouma cemetery on Efate and on several other islands.
Samoa3,000 BPLapita site found at Mulifanua Ferry Berth Site by New Zealand scientists in the 1970s.
Portugal25Possible Neanderthal/Cro-Magnon hybrid, the Lapedo child.
United States22Stone, bone, and wood artifacts and animal and plant remains found in Washington County, Pennsylvania.
Ethiopia200–190The Omo remains found in 1967 near the Ethiopian Kibish Mountains, have been dated as ca. 195,000 years old, making them the earliest human remains ever found. They are older than the remains found at Herto Bouri , Ethiopia (155-160,000 BP).
South Africa200–110Remains found in the Klasies River Caves in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa show signs of human hunting. There is some debate as to whether these remains represent anatomically modern humans.
Israel195–177Discovered in 1929-1935; remains exhibit a mix of archaic and modern traits and may represent an early migration from Africa that died out by 80,000 years ago.
Chile18.5-14.5Carbon dating of remains from this site represent the oldest known settlement in South America .
Mauritius1638First settled by Dutch under Cornelius Gooyer.
Sudan160–140Anatomically modern human discovered 1924 with rare temporal bone pathology.
Oman125–75Tools found in the Dhofar Governorate correspond with African objects from the so-called 'Nubian Complex', dating from 75-125,000 years ago. According to archaeologist Jeffrey I. Rose, human settlements spread east from Africa across the Arabian Peninsula.
United Arab Emirates125Stone tools made by anatomically modern humans.
Peru14Stone and bone artifacts found in a cave of the Ayacucho complex.
Colombia12,500 BPStone, bone and charcoal artifacts.
Ireland12,500 BPCarbon dating of hazel nut shells reveals this place to have been inhabited for 9,700 years.
Cyprus12,500 BPBurned bones of megafauna.
Greece11,000-3,000 BCEThe first settlement dates back to the Palaeolithic era. Geneticist Bryan Sykes identifies 'Ursula' as the first of The Seven Daughters of Eve and the carrier of the mitochondrial haplogroup U . This hypothetical woman moved between the mountain caves and the coast of Greece, and based on genetic research, represents the first human settlement of Europe.
Argentina11,000 BPSpear heads and human fossils.
Norway11,000 BPThe oldest remnants of the so-called Fosna culture were found in Aukra in Møre og Romsdal , and date from this period.
Estonia11,000 BPThe Pulli settlement on the bank of the Pärnu River briefly pre-dates that at Kunda , which gave its name to the Kunda culture.
Madagascar1,500 BPThe population of Madagascar seems to have derived in equal measures from Borneo and East Africa.
Faroe Islands1,500 BPAgricultural remains from three locations were analysed and dated to as early as the sixth century A.D.
  • BP is a timeline designation that stands for Before Present. However, since the present is always shifting, year 1 BP is anchored to the year 1950 CE (Common Era, or modern day). Therefore, a date of 5000 BP would be equivalent to 3051 BCE.
  • Kya is a timeline designation that stands for “thousand years ago”. For example, 47 kya would be roughly 45,000 BCE.
  • Except for a few modern-era settlements whose founding dates are well documented, all dates are data-driven best estimates. The level of precision varies from specific years to general eras, depending largely upon the age of the settlement, with older settlements being more difficult to age accurately.