Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
42701 | Elizabethtown | 52,618 |
40160 | Radcliff | 23,539 |
40121 | Fort Knox | 8,655 |
40162 | Rineyville | 5,666 |
42724 | Cecilia | 5,406 |
42732 | Eastview | 2,411 |
42740 | Glendale | 2,157 |
42776 | Sonora | 2,025 |
42712 | Big Clifty | 1,681 |
42788 | White Mills | 227 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 10 ZCTAs in Hardin County, Kentucky (US Census).